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Roenick, Kamel Amethyst (2016)In a startlingly beautiful fantasy, a mage sets a very special prisoner free. But once free, the prisoner awakes an enormous magical beast that sets a deadly cycle of revenge and death in motion....An Excerpt
Spiral, Alexandra Lost Souls (2016)Eleven-year-old Ophelia has spent her life avoiding the possibility that her parents are really dead. Then she discovers the truth about her own identity and the princess. Secrets go to hell when she attempts to share the truth with an ancient dragon and his evil minions. Though her parents' lover, King Alexander, also has his own family conflicts, and there are unspoken feelings and perils for Ophelia both romantic and dangerous. Together these and other secrets haunt the three heroes in this action/fantasy tale which follows Ophelia, Alexander, and the mysterious king down a dangerous path, with Ophelia caught in the middle. For Ophelia, her parents' long-lost love is truly lost, and they return to the palace where their daughter, Princess Ophelia, was raised, only to discover she's been abducted.Young Adult Fiction
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