Patch Fr Pour Hitman Contracts [CRACKED]
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' ai (Cstatt .CwUBtry SeB-re far HH,Land for sale.sssr 4CBES of BnHnrror-d laud adjoining the re4 otJot M Q C Atkinson, on tbe rr-rmaatewn ."lankBoed MtcJKfnmU cut A ba-eatB cmi be hsd byJO- N BALI. I MRes. Battle Broker.Farm for Sale.INTENDING - change my bntinett, I uSer t .1Ml, pjj BaBM, ertntaluiBg MO ae-ei, oatlbr from r-WB Depot. 11 miles fron MeaBBhtS.mabll Oha b'. 'olJ ltoeUir. trains-- IHtcnt ae n cuH-rautc; th- p-atit troll timbered- growth of Poplar, fcc ft acr ofwhich to Bo- Otnt B .(tool ; abundance of bwttt felllB,.took valor, and to best weli waver to lb oounty Thtool iiiiooH ore raaeesnebto. a ooieb ated Awl' sadPeach orchard, is ton w of too aaast cnemi-nt amtdesirable alto. Oceit la Slvelt. counts T cs-n. fodeerr,farming lraplesnBtt. mate, kc . win be told with toopi ice If esralred For farther peeticalar errantre orMssart Wai'ace fc Tanpeiu Mearpai. or the sub-criberon the pi' mi low. B. T 11 SNVor Sale.A HOTJSB AKP LOT aitnat-d. Thrrd ottret,J. brtw ob Maoiaon and Eosroe. Roaoe ua uoe eaorr frame baiMuaf cf Bee rooma. withfcro-ro bm an '. kitrhe attached. Aiao two-ee ..liable for bid luan.l ami Owe third talk or Btaety oar ote. balancet f aBe ood two eeara. with Interest Apply oEDHUKDSOK A AKMSTTtOKO,,-p'a-tf Eaf Matt aBroot.A Great BargainTHE anwrrsurn d baeo Two BBBdred aadb-Ten and a ha'f (397 n) acres of ealoabteLa -d . tea route, f-om At- Baphta. on ih Memphuand Chart. on aailroadanaf- rroniown Plankroad, aad to a One boa naichborhood, and witbio onqoarterof a Blileof aflai atataoo. 116 acre, a BBdera rod loaee, ail reset last Saiirf, and about T700 feet alnew plank fence ; a rod boa sc. Clatera, Stat re and otheOBX bowse Or hard an all -omplete. A food baraarli be pverToj; thv aboeedeacribed rrop-r!'- If appuocloaaao JOBS' BROWN".Hob e aid Lot at a Btrixa.fl.BarWTSH to sell a Owrinu Hon e aad Lotu- -"er:. - niT Ite Phejon'a F 'ne'ot mill IIS feot Adana ataeot, rantrac tsxA laS fM Toe hon-e ooataaas elahtimosq.. a . h aarsanu' aartAaoBts aad two cisterns addatrr in he roar.Bloet oay, DererreUat one ant two rears,w-ih Bwert.'A EE? BOTH.Grocery um3 Uqaor errbant?So 170 Vatn trartBENNETT HOUSE FOB SALE.TEIS well kaowa BoaoJ.ln Br.oo.ill r.Ten , bKlloaetaer ;lh the Farnitore ta now offeredfor ale, oo good tenoa The Faraitnre la arand as aew. haetna been ta see only a ew EULas "!. T ataad is aa -xcelleBt one, aad a two BBTaaia w n be fiewa If appttcatioa ia made on, as I amaitaaaii. For rortaer i-r-ma-i -o. ap.j i.GEO W. BEBKETT. B'.'wassUla.fl Kkav. oa the eampals aad Ohw Rail nod.swimVal.aW PlaauttSB Wr -at.T OFFER 'o- a'e my Plsnuik." in Eadi- nJL pa'tah. Lon alana Thar tract casuals U lasOCT a. I- is aitaaiod oa the TVaaas neer. andthe Tick bnrr Ra..roal -an- a: -e the ror.teraboundary TVsre at a dopM oa the plare. aad a plantercan htp any day In the year by railroad or by T- nai Is to be prondod wut I rt. a do owaas ao io.niI naeutari n Th- land as leer: oooom me rer-tiUtyof wb.Ua to too weal kaowa to reoaire oaa oiand a bole to ooe and a half of cot 'on to the awelaaaaaa'crop. Th p'ooa to aaawaaal with o mod dwe 1 nt aad BtBhoaae, - lib (oar ataada. cisterns Ac Oo the p ace artwo baodred or' os or elralo cypress, which will pay th.price of the pi ace jr sawed ap. will roil the aboee 'aidat E0 p r acre f 20 000 cash. BfeS remainder IB tl reeeoaal payments, with Interest, if I sell pryor to tie !at otJaoaary aoxti 11 BN am beJee that tioae, I declloeonline al an BJOporoeaa wotkauk a nnaioa' asaada XIs a are chance, a art d lands, oeea ore enirar aaaaBBl Itat E to af per acr. There are oa It ihle year OOUac oa la col on and IS la com. Seven kexdred acr -ress be pat in Beat seas- a.P aons wlshlns to b"Come tbe owner of It are re-oaes ed to call on G B LOCCB. Anctioo-e- and E.Estate Broker, Memptu.-, Twoo. ar write m at Prvnuaa, Hle JAMES S PEACOCEB. E D.I BATE two hi deed sou sat tare (?43)on 1 1 of saleable Creek BeMom Land, la fleemiles . f Stanton ' Depot and e4omiicaaaaam.tie fUhad a-Wesley Camp-Ground, ft hartals can bety callinj on -.he undrratsned.W. B DOCGLAS..a-pl--ol'er.lianeeyrille, TeBB.Valuable Plantation for Sale.Bh a t BET rsiuahl Ptaota'aan, freatl s on th'ttHLBtsarataat nre- two mile, contatraTjaftS. .ere. ojft or-e. ta ftae state of cn'tivathaa. aad.alaa SOt- aceea - era three ' -ar. deadened I bartug althe lopi ii ion' u o oBBaary, of the best character oe(w cabins,, wita Brick chlmneyiper acre OTar-rhiU coat, h.iance paesoi w-niy four months from date, - I a m-Bawaj hi E B. ORNEXabor-Sauina Witfats.Important to Planters & Millers.FELTOVS IMPROVED54-ir-SlarFrfBlac: FerUMe ferist mil.J tmmmmmm o all Other Patents.mBTS is Mat of the taost raluabte la I IBtHBIOf the day.X p aseviag al! the qaauacatioat rsqatoite to make itwoaaaaot to the farmer It to dertjnod i app:y a wantthat hat tons in fit ty that port loa of ooanaanlty Itis oo t lassie ta aaaof rra-tlTti. that any peroon of ordinary akiScan run It and keep it b eroVr The gnwliusssrtace are of tbe moat duraoae character, harder thanany ua'i'' utor-i. and net liable to ge ont or order.It will grind wheat, com. oota buckwbt drura andsatooa crush and grind corn and rob admirably, or ehjaBadoosa aaaf oarn aad cob mar be w- r ground together. Teeasaall sue frame mill, with two-horse power, will grtn.frota Be. to eight bssheli of reperior corn meal per hourand from eix.i v. tea bn-beia of good feed for stock, andrequires hat little etienuoo, aad aaay be run by rla-beltwithout increase of expense. The large rue irame cullwilt grind ewer toriee that amount per boar. The mcata aot heated la r'mdlng a valuable Toatu-e Priceare. ftar aaaal! alxeftrSS; urge aixe (BBS. We hare theright to sell the State of Alabama. Bhwl-sippt, Lonieiaaa Ti niaeaaa, Kentocky. and a po-tlon ofA rare ebanc- la here offered foe comrartraft andi to engage in tbe aaie of 1:1Ooaaoy aad State rbrkU aoM on accommooaring i-rasAl! orde-ra. oooBuaaaicattoaa. and applications for Elfthteand Bill, oddreaaed Lo Ba wt!! las promptly nspoade - to.jraft-dawly JESNISOS h RETNOl.trS.P. S Davis. Hodoc E Williams Commianonan'tForwsfdtrag erchsnl ars oar ogeiiU iu M--rnpta TenrPremiurnCottonrp HB attaatkan of Cotton1. 1I to tae arer tt Co., East0 an: Bhslta.piete. Ml of whichiSc: to oar friends t:i- nj-a6WTNN E GIBSON,Eo. 1 aad i Eichangr Butiing.hi-nelt fasret BR tM1Btajtvtf'wttfatiottal.St. Agnes Female Academy,MEMPHIS, TENN.THE Session will eovunenc oa BONIMT tb 7th ofPasaSi wiaoai aorlB-dawl rrBVKD ' 1.COMMERCIAL COLLEGEassScleuUtU' Writinj; Vcadeuiy.M EM P HisTHE a ere Iaattluti Itab t'b-d aad tor int.oo at Ml Main atcrv-l. wheresail hothwr-uzbirprepa-ed SB IB M-rcanli e-kfe. The itt-adt ef Bdaoathrt ar partacaiarly raeitedto ehsli tae tasntBtlsso sad as the tyttem la all depart -"I'Lava ih'-'hiatr to r-fer 1 1 the foii-.wiag geBtleaaea 1Eo. J B T-sapse, V B Time. . E.q Frrsideat, W.A sea-.. Baft.. Cashier, Bank; Boor..Lawb T -ear at Co j Besar. F Lane a Co ; Beaere.Bra"-e. Wilaoo A CCp Teres, are moderate a-o4-'-Memphia Medical College.fftHB R-e :'ar Lec-rer-s ef this College win na mill1 ea MAN DAT, tae aft of NoI will Ifour in -n.t.iT A OCLTT.JOHN BILLINGTON, M. D., Iofesoor ofaad T-xleo ogy-ATEMis P BEE It ILL. B. B , FTofessoT of Principleaad Pracskss f B dicta.LEWIS SHAKES M D . Frofteor ef Ohttrtrict aadDltraoe, of Wom-a and Chiktrea.ABTRTB E TATtjOE B P.. P-ofeoorof AutllMHOWELL E BOBAEDS, B. D , Profcasor of Surg-ry.C B OCT BIB. B D., Protcttor of Bateria Bediraaad PhaeecyDN'EL F antiajBT, B. D , Professor of Plijstslsaiaad PathaligyGEORGE F. JONES, E DatoenvJOHN T. M ARABLE, B. Eof the Bu-Tbe fee f or the eo ire course It ft 10 parable la adTaace Bairicwatioa Foe. fth, tfraarastiiig Fee. .Aaatoasy and Dir-eetton, ft 10, to be taken ooce beforegraduating Bsseaaa oossa fro, tbe 1st of ilctaabrrA Preliminary Coarea of Lectures, free to all atudenu1 kaftrBBa uuxtl in ihe, will be deliwered during ihe mono. 01 Ocit- !2:h ot the month.(LTNICAL IBSTBTCTION The Msjcptis ha-itrH o pata to opa to the members of he chut at aJi time,and spec ai clinical .aalroctaon win be given in the wardssf the Institution ea two days W doeaday and 8. turds of every week The Dispenser, in on- of th"room- of tse College, receives a rge numb- r f pal sen aerery morning Sovsical opera! Keas arc perf-rrarft ramaw an ef the da -a. aad pataaau aaftTertug from a greatea'htt of diaeaaea BOS prescribed for, aad 111 II rim,rw-rrooended aod dl.pensasd, with each Instruct we asaaa he lllustrsted by pert ten! ar eao-a.Th (liege possesses aa aatafta Baeswe, CIsrmKa' andFhaattphlrel Anparatra., and ereryt log . sa-5 u,OV-mrmatrate thr c urse of lecture, esn each branch.Bts eats deatnng farther Information well adsrreasTeSvnUr L SEABKS. M D., Deaa.Botanico Medical, Tveinb Annaa' Conrse of Lectuies n ibi, wellI .biaraod BaiarsssS EUcal OoO-r- willO. W. BOEBOWof Anatomy aadrhfaaolagj.L. D. SBBLTON , EwaT8. F. OTTLBE. M. Desi Jti latwueVaot.D , Professor of Theory and Frac, Professor of Cheaalstry and Med!Professor of Obstetric, and Dis-nro" tjriNM. VWMOEEOW.M D , Frofaaoor ef Materia Medics andT GATLE, E D., Prufeator of InaUtutean! Ptbc-- - ' . TT-. . .V. ..... ft4. aiaaattsei esFor fartaaw fjstorBLataoa aae sasal 'C. OATLB.of the Faeulty.Jy7-daw4mJuly ft 18S7-One Thousand Agents Wanted."Ti ' .j3 sft to ft'" Pee ftavFor part realWtea, eoarseoe pxatageH OOI.DBON,. w co- iv. at -aiam - aa-l ronreasserdB-art:-Blatasaod. rb-wsJdm R?ClTedOA A PI ECUS EeottscEj Bargl.giOlMJaftacolla Eopt;10 base. Twloe;m r. sfc. M.. ..W, VailS ?1ST adaaa-Bstsn. Tao-i Whitby, Bran'iv, Wrae. Porter, Ale,awsWsVFUaks W-h Board, Mao,.UcU.-e,aTw, Gmg-r Soda Tea.. Ftrkie- Oysrter. S.rdttSaetard C'-P. d ail sagaxlirA JIly kpt by(f, aw w aeaoelJ-Bio OH ..-ot Wofl..bft..olfpI atepwriBTTTI hBe lost iwc-ivisj a asrB bare ;it beingof " Ffat Oeora 1W it belt theaft 1, aad the toast, of the M!s-fthauwl E -PortT.awa Trwrwc ro.CA.-t-Foetr, qearu ai.d pints, tvIlk-r toast- ... -Iin aeroa of which settr, ,lT-' -- - lsepeoeew-BUare- u waies both bra ereti end oeeerSMJM eeArsigned srcEaord M ropertyi i li Will Ww Writes h.m he: he MM "ILCT - 1 It. end that, um tvrTl 'jjrYg -t wM . sol cover ifc. ot.lItllBl C M. -T T Q7 low btr-Zr rertr iiUBftrB. MPT to -be i strraWMslITviD-rM e e. babwtt.Ginea. ctre:iy calledanpeeior no manurac--:-r oy a. Uli.Bridgewater, Base. CtKler , recent 1 lie-la innil use i Uwtr ue itoa II J ainrtiao omiiiials fraas IBBaJtharaaaads ar bow ta ib.o aifni iparatlaa as th jaamstaae atxteaa w ektitmtt'vnan. wl'-lected chemical and PttBBMHJL. laS tba Isaac aaaf isoaa'il exnerisssss sf a,n , orp. ef Profraaoe,. wtu Insure a liberal and cctt-pre-UBarense.l'Ca. tooctlriutiLiiiM. D , FTofeaaorI. r. Tk3fX. Eo as FTCit Sew.$nsnraitrtTENNESSEEniUKE ANII FIRE I.VSIKA5CB(0Of Xisshville, Tens.CAPiTAI, :::::: S150,000josbpb tauix, rwi a. w. vmn, secy.DIRECTOBS:JohnM Will. Alex Allieun.leaps Carrey, E. H, Sliftasi. M.Pocx, ! TomU, J,X. B. AUowoe, w. .J. & LOKSDVU, Aroat.ootll -It JoSbnon itreei, Mempkia. o.MErn8 IHS1IEASCE VOflPAKT,?f esaiphirj, Tcanetue.CAPITAL $150,000.Sara. Mosby, Pret; Ben May, Seoy.ornoB on nrrcBAOi itkbet.DIE ECTOR.A. 0. EABSii, Sak. Mout,a O. ATlinoi, W. WiliJ. O. KUIIU, " E1. 1. EAWXIBUHOME lSlRiXF JOTfPAM.OF MEMPHIS, TENN.ABTHOEIZED CAPITAL I wfJAJLA MTT CAPITAL(30 000 ,100.00.CHARTERS J hr the Lefi.latnr. of T.-oneaoee BoasaoBo; lfiOO-'K. to mahe Fire, life and Mann. aocaoae as Oa r.-uaioru w wcti-ipedi.nt In aiew of which tbey Bae a-ranrii be followin Companlea, tor re-Insurance ay aaawita.pen policies:Kriti.h CommercU!, UoBdoa..Capital A100A0001 000.00s.too twoJOOOlooitablePlreInl malionai tarr, -laicheraocher Ufa, Uailed SUtos,oneoltdatad FireAt tthe 10th l-stant. thee scirtl for IhrmarJAEBS B. THOP.NT0X, L J. DUPBBB,'BO R OEAMT, TH'S MiaDAM,STEPHEN B. rrRTlS, J. MTLFOiiD,SEKRT &. ELSa, JOS BARBljSrB, Jr.JABTES BOEO.risaarr rnaraflTTXC.- V f-W!. L J. DCPEBB. E. 3.MH-.ccl i-asa:nrr O B 6EAKT, 1 , BbAttorney J B. THORNTON. BoaAmreJbvS P BAXEEBAD. BaqAni at a meellne of tbe n-w Directory ofbe llth mat , tbe fMownhf oaaoera arm i rjonac ax tbaroar:JABTES B THOENTOW. PnrldmtGE.i E. GRANT. Vict Peoaadfat.THOS ErADAE Secrtturw.OPFICB Ka S Eadtaoo stroet. earner Fnart Bow.hasoaoEwH0l E. SI4.., hD 0BNAME.VTALPAINTING, DECORATING, &cW. H a PASSiafORETAEESthia method of Infermlnn the clttaeaa of Meatphte taat be has permanently ocated himse f hersta carry oo the shore bnetBeoa, and assures those atsir rarer Ltm with their pairoaace that al! work -ro-restedto him win hare hla tiriot PEESONAL ATTIKrIOK la the setocUoB and p'.psrs ion of the materialss wen as the faithfsl exicatlua of th wok. N eierton will be pafeai on hia part to fire aati-ta . ar.cperioral th waak thoroturhty, aad at the same lime unit th' taate ,.f the aaoat fs-udions.Bis lour eiperieree warrsaii him El aayiac that EEontraotswUl be compiled with to the satire aattofarhVatf those who mar patronise hm. They may alaa reals-eured that any work anderuken by him wil .be i.romplFor QnaliSeotioos. he be leare to refer to the roDown pereoBS i Capt. C B Church. Copt. T Nr-well. BrW. Pw lee, Capt. J Ooatee Capt. A see Er. G Ft! tierrf Sh'-'ton'f Praa Store myr-dlyMEMPHIS WHOI.KSD.IaTEAM CR.AtEEE BEEEEV iU CAfDYMAIiUFAuTORY.EBLLT wnalj respectfnlly I form his frsrsdo aadtrie public fteaera'rr. that he menu fact area dallyD.t has stood, a ft- e an lanre eaeor' rpent of erertthlnsn hie line, which be will sell as low ss they can be boturhtinywhe else, and warranted to Sire cewetal attafar! ion Give him a call, a, yon car. ret them pord andfresh at D KELLY'S,-lrd Wo Hnsiril'. Sow, Memphis. Tin.French Dye-House & ScouringESTABLISHMENT.IIAVING returned feoan Europe, would Inform theCttaaaaaaf M-urpLia, that the is again prepared to!ye Silk. . M-rinoa and W.l na to any ahaCe dealrwl.-t wt : also Repair, ac ur and Dye Ge.u. men's Caothme. Ladles' St aw... Boooeta. ParasoO. Ribbon, andfaded Dre'srsof erery d-aciipti G.--ds dyed la ihebast manner at the rh-jrlesl notice, and oo r-se. nahl.term. MRS. L. EfJMPF.auglf-tm Corr- - Bbeihr and Garoao .ta.NOTICE.THE THIRD AND LAST CALLr WILL attend at Cnioo Depot oa Boaday, SaaBraaher7th, and at Seen B-fom o- Tneaday. the StE, atEaulaft Boat aa Baa Bay, the llth. at rail a oaMon Ur. t 11 -t at OoUierril e, oa Monday, tae Sftlhat G-rmantowB oi Monday, the ftth of Oiober, at Be-hanlc-vile L-i.'rict oo Mob ar, the 13th Octet ' aad atGlenu'a Shp District, Bo IS. on Hen-lay tbd ISh torh of taking a LIST of tbe rAXABLE PROPKRTT of Shelby Coaaty, and Bt-h hope erery one willmeet aae aad aaro troohtoaB my part aad expeioeonE W C A LB WELL,p2-wSm Tax Aao-aeor.Sale of the WesternMILITARY ASYLUM,4T H ARRODSBI RG.KENTI C KT.A B AGENT foe the G--ernmect, I will offer lor asle oothe prrmie-s, l . the higbeat bidder,Oa lb IBIS Day of H:v rr.b.r. 1S57,the shove pr.p-rtT. recent I e occapled by the Ct.ited SUtosaa a Military Astlam. Tbe land conaiaU o snoutarli-ioicg the t ,wn of Harrodshurg hanrlaiioialy OMproredwith iiaasi'ii'i baialings aod g-o . and a mtnera!spring '.oof oaaabrat d ar the of its waters Bor .re tbe proper! t wa porrtaeed br ibe (Y rernment nwaa one of th taost coi- brsied Watering Places in theSooth West. It to admirably adapted to such a purpose,-reins sltnaood in a pictcreaciar and healthy country . andn tbe midst or a ta Heated aad bospruble ctmmaalty.It l-deewj d BBimeiaaiy to deacribe the property moreparucalariy, sine- It to as eztrnoireay kaowa oa any ethertoe I ion n tbe West.At th same time and place will be aold a large quantity ofWiUwble Eurni r a reef rrecj kin 1, I'-f' her with liv gptocY, cooa:stiDg ofHORSES. CATTLE. & ..awl am -tth-m a onmherof ralaal'ie cattleof the Aider -amhrrsaf.Terms or Silz The iaa.1 and laprrrreaaest wl!ib- o d f j one thud is haad and the remainder la twoa -la I annual paroseats, bearing a is pT cent . interestfi..m th da, of asle, aad the title will he reiatnsd by theGoremment until the last pal meat is made.Ta personal property wtl b old sr cash.aep 1 td. ROB' J. BR-EIVtna,w.Harris. Wcrmeley & Co ,WHOLESALE CROCER8COn.lIIWalOaV flERCHAJVTS,7S. H Front How.OFFERS AT WHOLESALE:rsill .--! E Race 11s: Brandie.,I Hir.l sndMachine Rope; beat import d ;r ui i l-.i : aaa aj : MSeep Crsdet ax.d Starch ; rebala comraos to verysugar. C ff -e aad V-dastea ; ftae and obl :Linseed Sperm. Tsarvars. WlBra Pvit, Sherry. BaLntsretatlng aad Olive de.ra. Malara. ChamOtU; pagne nd Claret :Bacltla Rope; Jamaica St C alx and t Beanoa Malls; O. Ebw ;Snsff. aad Csgarr; American and IIoTland Gtn ;Chewing and Smoking To- Wml'i Sib-Mam S-hnaps:haoco; Br.BdyCherrlee E P- achettWassaea aod sj-.asa Ware; Peaches. Fresh Cor. try tteit,rVpp-r Ginger, Sptce. Sods; le Prune. P ci -;AtBaaaBd.. Fee.n. Ft b-rs ; Sirdlaea, Teat, Stccos,Watnata ard frr and V .' 1 Eetcheaa etc , etr.Osan't Dexte-'s ard ajraff Wh-tky;Tor-iber wiii a traeral s or of STAPLE AND FANCT GEOCBEIF,, wbteh we off r al faroraMe rates forCash, and to our Cotton eaetavoaera on the nnu-al termaAgency .or the sale of tbe Rarte Gin Stands ;Qna Band, ft iBCftt to Iaaohos wide. HARRIS. WORM fl LSI E CO.serrlo-dswlwiKw G IT Tl H l-A 'l OH V .BY J. B. KOSEIET.TBE aahac lorr It aoweagsred p-eparlreg for pnb 1..tacss. aad wli aae b, the middle i t Noremb-raext . a eoaaaete aod f-li I IRBCT'iRT OF MEMPHISIt win in add rt lea to the anal aoetB'a of a Bt ecrory,oontam a hatorr ef the cesBamrrr and trade f M' atts srbo has d-awt d man-v years eft hi life to thr comn-roial ft -par m nt of aeeeral of oar city papers, beside,other ms'Ur, of interest to tbe he.Tl-ee ..One nrtha-o wtl he called upon In a few days far cardsIt I. intend' d that tb DiraCorr stall bora pars favorably with boas e the prtncip 1 rllle.Oeds-a for cor, left at either cf the city pratlracfflces will be etieavVd to. septa tfOSTRICH FEATHEBS,ASTIFiriAL FLOWERS.FANCY ORNAHEXT8ASSLfF. TRni,!S FOB BOSFiETS !TO THE MEBC-M ARTS OSintrivT.THE sobeeTlb-r, hare a I arte naanc factory in Par!, asd one in New Tork, ex-lutlrrds deroted to the ms-.n'a. tore ofthe at-ore kind of gc.aJa. Their pre, 1lock embraces man thoaaaad style, of Pealaert aadFlowers. ASs the mate rial for manufactannaj themwhich are offered at wholesale only, at their Wsro-Bi oaiHEN PERSON. hMTTH fc OO.,anrll-dftre Bo BBS Brassdwar New ToshT7ROM the mhsjcrlber In Cntteod-a touBtr, ftrk,r 00 the nicht of tb- ltth or thiaNegrc. mo :WILLIAM aged . mella-n k-'h',co or, w.ta thta whiak-ra aad aaaaBt ache, aaeaor.k'ad tf hair, amatl a urea ead remarkabfy we,; mores sloe, speak., alow, and has a ratoer sheepish look.OOLCBBVS, aged M, baa tbe Bail of his left thaw!ma-bed aad ill shaped frogs a woaad ; rerr a!l ; almoetbuck tkia ; Ini race. fin. sett of tetlh. aod rather countenance ; , eery Uag ana- ft. long b gged amvnork d-kaead , tarns eat foot eat eery much more thaithe other.DICK, aged II, rather shew medium height; thicksen ; rather inclined to he fat baa a saak scar In klforrh ad; to a rich ginger-bread browa cater; speak.quK sud ammert wery el ghllr. Ho hat b-ea aha.MeMBBaat for ovreral yeara. ant to k-own a. Diet Ratand I ...po-e will be barhered abeat the oilyBtTetS-ftawlm B A. BABEEft, Meoaphto TwaeSlOtt Uewartt.RAWAWAT from my plantation, oa the Tatoeneer, 00 tbe right of ihe Ift-si of Augctltwo regro men ALLN and STEPHENAlter I- black abcut 34 years old. medium sue;1r - Baaaaaj Ma-nan d s.- .nr,n,old to me by W L Caiaatell. of Mew OrleansRtepbee I, a mulatto, rather under medium tueabout IS yean old, came trues Caat county, Missourilast fail.They took awar both working aad Sendav clothing 1win ftire fto apiece for their dslrv.ry to me. or decenttoiin la-1 eo taat I can get them, if taken oat of Tasacounty, or ft eft apiece if taken In th cent,A. W WASBBTRH.sepISCawIm Taaoo rsftv. Msa cine and Rope.500COIiS Mo. I;IS bale. Twite.G N. ROBIN Hit N fc CO.,e-pix-taa tftFresn; Ro'lfew Flonr.LOT of aew F.onr to store and for asle. byn pirsrntNoT rnnrrgk isitst raent.OfiO BBLB. for sale byOUl" B. BOBIN OB a OO..- plt-tm BS sersnt Bow.Just lier?iTt-d.0NE tinod-ed thoeaaad CIO AR.. varying froes $ toSbO per thousandH. H POTTER. Bain sstreet.TVi I --' a on- neri, rtf Wor.haei -NEGRO MART.ksw THE nryirr-umaa. barirag perm soar th tocatad saBV obeaaeoersaa ob Mo terry ttrae , Vtcvo4ui, .jkTL h'.weoa Bead, and latrad to harp a -rlw.Aaa. lot of A No. I TOTHO VBGEOES foe sa e rtad also bty and salt on oniorata.koa. Persons wrotin,to buy srtn Jo wall to sir thorn a call Before chostnALEX ABTJIE fc G W IK.TVeEsburt. Mies.annual Jicoin ob t onlay,ollowirs Direacra sal (...moultee wereF S. Netroaa for saas a- a. nraetXolttrics.LOTTERIES.SWAN & OO.'SHXW A1VD BBItLlAT SCHBMECapital PrizeprtDctpai ofaceCLASS 03To b. orawo In thr City of Aita, 8eorH, 1on SATURDAY, October , "OIaAJBMS ITTiTo be d-awn In the eltj of Anii'a -t."fA, InpoWo. orgATCBDAT, October W, 16I.To ho drawn In the dtj of AosaaU, ueerda, la p.Mlt, oaSAT JED AT, October IT. lAWI.To be drawn in the city of Asfusta, rwia, us pe,aa BATBEDAT, October 14, J8F7.ciiAss eo,To ho drawn in the city of A u justs Geortraa, ta public, onSATCEDAT, October ST, ISH, ob the plan ofSinffle JYumbers:B.49B Fe-IeeobbI X !Naaxly One Prixe to Every HineTickets.MAtSKIFICEKT SCHEME,. . , ito st ultraEACH SATURDAY IN OCTOBER.I Prise of.a f erftlOPson700M400la10AFFROIIMAT10N PRIZES.4 Prises of 400 Aorox'tlBf to A0OS0 Prtoeare 1 MOsou nasi I4 SN - uta4 IBS i 000 "5-, lao torottm -4 V lftftftan SO ar. 1iS.S prises saaoantlaft to ft,B0Whole Tickets. S10; Halves, $6 00;Quarters, 2 50.PEA1 OF THE LOTTERY.The Number from 1 to BO 00. oorroaoonillns with thoseEwaBswra 01, n. Tickefts pall loa aeia.-aie aBjal cr ;a-per an aaclreled with small tin tnhas and placed ta oneThe first 47 Prtsro, a ImUarlF prtntad SSlft anrlrcled, areataoaftta a. other wheelThe wheel, are thro rorolred, aad a number to drawnfrom tbe one. , aft number,, and at the aunt tune a Pra1. fi-iwc fr.. the other wheel. The h' umber and Pria.deaws out are opened and exhibited tt, the audience, andresist red by the Coosmlaaiocera . the Prlat beias paaoedaka.BStthe Number drawn Thia operation to repealednntil all tb t riaea ar- drawn oatArrapxratATtoB Pl r ra The two preoadlns and t beIwa assail tint Kuaaber. to thoa drawing the ant 7Prire will be entitled t-r the SS Apftaiiaratlie Prise.Por . i TtrEetSo lliftfrdesw, ih-0 00 Pruethose TtcteU iiumle-red ll'Stft 1144 ItSfil. IlSftS, willeach be eutltl.d ao ft 40 If Ticket No 660 deaws theBlft Bpapriaa. thee 7 -will ooch be eoutlod to (SOP, and asto thetJ- The 1,000 Prhars of !11 be detormlned by thelaet figure of the number that draw th $60,000 PriseForesenrple. If the Number, drawing ftfiO.OOO Prise etideMb Bo. I, thro all th Ticket , where the number endsin I win be et.tttled to ftSO. If the Number ends with .at, t, then all th Ttcketa where the number ends m Swin br entitled to SB), and ao on lo 0.OertlSrate of Packages will ha assft Bt tba faUowt'ifrates, which la the raak i-- - p. tag, M Was -. ir- BBM40 0010 0010 Half " ..." 10 OuarteT " ...1 Bighth " 10 00In ordering Ticket, or Certificates, eaclose the moneyto our addres- for the Ticket, ordered.oB receipt of whichthey will he forwarded by first mail Purchaser canhare Tickeu ending in any flft-Bre thvy may deaignate.The 1 tot of drawn nwmbm and prhars will be foiwarded to purchaser, Itmaodlately after th drawing.Pumhaoor will pteaae write their .tnret plain, andglee their Port (.race. County aad State.ry Bonaember that erery Prise it drawn and payableIn full without deduction.CJ- Ail Pr-.res of ft! 000 and under, paid lmmedlaUljafter the drawing other Prises at th usual time ofthirty day.I w communlcatient strictly confidential.Address orders for Ticket, or Certificate of Packages to8. SWAN a CO , Atlanta, Sa.ty Pe-- nt re.ldlag near Moouoeeery. ftU , or Atlanta. Ga , can bare thtlr order- filled, aad tar time, 1br addrcrti g S Swan k Co at ith - of thoee dUaa.Cf a iiat of the number, that are draws irons Ikewheei. with tb amount oi the prise that each one to enUlead to. will be pub 11a be-1 after erery drawing In the following papers : New Orleant Delia, Mobile Bectoter.Standard. NatBruie ussettr. Atlanta int l.i-N'w Tk W.eaiy Day B.-.I. Sac-snnah MorninsBowa, Richmond Diaptlh, New Tork Dispatch, andPaulding (Bis ) Ciarroo eridnTie Createst InrentloB of the Affr!PEEFECT PBOrBCTION FROM THE ELEMENTSPATENT lurVA N 1 7 CEMENTFOR ROOriNiWft UK aobacTfber Is now prepared to cover rooft orA bulldlr ga, with a new and better arttcle than ertr Ibefore snown The pebic are aware that sur (aoveri,raent haa had scientific men experimenting, aad thai Ithaa been tb study ot Aichi tacit and Builder for yearlo discover an article Kr tooling purpose, t hat Wuulcstand ine sodden chaagrtof the weather, and be 1 aspen 1eaa to fire aad wa'er, and resnain a permanent ftxtureA. yet. nothing has been attained withoat coating tbe people with The cod traction expect ton aad rosing of metal roof a. are ao great In changeable clmatea, thatthey bee aa BBSs, weeooewag reaatreu at great expease yearly. Shrafttes are act fire prrst, and cannot b,ised on Sat roofs aad Ihe v.rioa. sa.1 Ce- 1m-nt nave Den oroogai inio use r-r rooms, 00 wo.stand the act loa cf tbe areata. -, bat they nut when It towarm and crack wbea froedy. and ar er oa or two year. 1become crar My, and wort k lets ; w heroes, the laveato Iof the Galvicnic O-roeat baa UBoevd tw nly years to combine article, lo ohvute those dlmcnltkes. sad caa tessftffrom his long experience, aad numerous teailmoiuaiifrom reliable parsons who hare had hu combination arplied to their buildings, that hit Cement Is the caeaaeeia d beet article erer before known Tbe r. mbtnatlon cthis Cement is such that it la calculated f..r entire aeeroofs flat or steep; coveting erer old ahingles withourrmor Dg them 1 lintag tare troughs aeeailnft aroanc!bsttlemeBts chlmneyi ind iky ltghtl Covering cttops, tiessser cee ia, fcc This Cement, by lu hou-cea-dnctionand galvinaun. pre. rats meu! rooft from rowng and andertcldering, and result the extiemca of heatand eoldrbetter than an. ihmg erer inverted, for enttr.rooft or far eorertog meul and the oat-eld of wood 'baildinrs. making them fire proof. Its aaspesrsac la Ilk--;ate ; beaattfal for thr rich palace or th bumbie cotugiThe undersigned having secured the tight to the Brat-af T-n ne-are, wflj sell rigbu of Temlor , by Countlet or 1town, or rsesoaaabee teraa.The sabacribe- is also pr. pered tc cow roofs of balid .iBgs, in any part at the State, at short none.This roof It now bring put on In thto city, for tbe benefit of all oonorrned, and warranted ta excel ell othermodes of roofing The acbacriber hsviac resided lo thec.ty of Mrwjphtoeav-yeaT. sad has haft bra mode of roofing teteed at to itt qasliUet, which hat prosed tat; "fa,lory, to which a a umber of the moat prominent citleen.Seascmtals of th foUewlng as-nth men whs haveasad It, with hoeUi-f other.Car fnrtb-r Information enquire at the earn, wheresamples may be seen la J L. Morgan's A chlteeturaBoobs, No I Walker'! Block. Memphis, Tens., or aftireat, .x 130 P oC W STCEDiVaNT fc CO . Proprietors.Sneortaort to W S. Eeont ttAttached to a note from j hn L. Morgaa, l.sq , A.ehitact, hp whh-h may ba area the op 1 a loa of Mr. Samoas.nan. th celebrated ftrebrteet and writer upoe Arriileeture, whose experience with this of rc flingwithout a, U ta-.ittac-i.ry to an.Memphis, March it, l-wlMe. W. S. Bebwxtt: Whea ia Phi , I. Ipi.u Pa , sfew days ago, I Called upon Mr Sam-: Sloan the eeiesrated ArchUeot, aad author cf tbe Stoat. Work oa Archt -eta re 1 atked hla opinion at to the durabi ity fcc , 01West' Patent Boot, tech as yen art ating in the dtp Msj.-niphto. and be toM me that be had no heeltatkm la saying to me that tt ia a good and darabie roof, and U althat it. adrocaree claim it to be ; farther saying that hit using it on a fin building for htmseifamislfsnj. JOHN L. MORGAN, Areht'ectMlxphis March t, 1897W S. Bepbett. Kso . Dear Sir: The fecit withtiinr kexrwledae of tbe durahilitv Ac , of Wett'a GalraalCement, are thee : Tb buiHMng yea covered for as heatopnrg, ere am happy to tut has answered oar expect,laaas. We caa therefore, recommend tt to the pablkc faaB twasVaa perpooot ; si a light, cheap, fire aad wateproof roof It dees net got sou and run frota the efsacvT tb beat of the sub; nor d ea It harden and creelfrom the etrertt of th-onid. Aayrersoa wtthiat to knomore of thia arltcU, can call at oar manufactory.n. a. aarcE a co..Carriage Manufactory, Monroe St., Memphis, Tenn.Memphis, Txrtrp , Dec. 8. 'hoTo WHOM IT MAT ( os. t ic Thai it u, certify thaW S Beaaett, acerered two rooft for me Ust Spring. ai'J1 compositloe called Weat'a Patent Galvanic Com ntcr of them waa a aew deck, the other as oM sbtaglroot, which are firing perfect 'ailsficiioo. Be also rraired a dormant window, which leaked badly, and kad-aftv-1 the tkOl ef caneuters to prevent IU leak insvutch he soereeded in tnakms p-riec-.iv tig! t. Idouao-iheei furry reoommmd hit mod of roofing to the nublKr all roofing purpose, aad belter it to be a S1 amatolliture agsi. Ire and water. D COilKEELL.Proprietor Commeroa, Hot!Srrrm'oT's irntt, Memfmu fc Ohio IIIMemphis Teh., Feb I. 18S7. (Ma Bekkett Dear Sir: Oar Oonapeav having heeiirvasataft very much a Ith leaky cart, pat some of yomPaient Paiat upon them, and ao far as sty k bow .edge exends I can cheerfully recommend It to any who wish a!ry roof ot any tort. Toart fcc ,E COFFIN. Srawrlnlendent.H'Mfgll. TEST , Jan. 14. 1807.To the Ptblic : W. 8 Bin 1 It au-1- araplleatsoa Vit laa' aaaiBan to cover our buildings with West's Gsi-ante C-eerot ; si being a new thing thoa ghtwewouMry tt ; bad It applied to oar Black. ran b Shop and Enf inS.Bee attached to the Foundry. They ha prosed alequued ot a water proof roof, haviag withstood some 01ihe grestest storms, sad sr giving good satisfactionWe can only at si, try It aad you will bt tataaftaft.CURTIS fc EN AFP, Iron Founder!.Memphis. Jan. 14. ISfTf.Mr Barrrvett has done tome small aaaoeait of roofrntfor me u hla peculiar war, with Cotton st.f ooe ted with1 prepaiatsoa th hauls of which apt ear, to he Coal TarIt M a eery effectual anal light roof, aad appears to promie consider: durability, from th preaereatlve qaaliEss of tb eoapealUoa, which peneiratei the cloth aadarotecu tt from the Infioence of tbe air aad water. ThiOomposltton doe not liquify and run from the effects oftbe beat ef the .oa In aumnaer ; near doe tt harden and-rack from the lnfioenee in the cold of winter.saeeVdly A P MBWBTtX.Oik's Sale af TalaaMr Beal Estatr.PCRSrANT to a decree ef th Law tide of the CommonLaw aad O an eery Opart of the city of Memphis, rmweed tbe Jut Terras IB 1 ef th said Cesart In theaseef Jas. Eoberson. raastrfa I wiTdonTootSDAT, TBIfTTH OCTOBER NEXT, 00 lh premise,, offer lor Belli followingValnable Real Estate.betgg tbe Lot asrreyed be E. 8 Todd for Br 1: lough by wr,m, ntrmbered PS. beginning where the north sad a i(Talker street 10 to-sect tbe west sate of Orleans atret,renning north with Orleans street twenty chains, seemitaks t s tuts at the in'-rsection o Orle-sastreet winthe old Holly Spring! road : then west Bine chatna alaely-o-renlinks to a stake ; thence north iweatvcbeh. aere,aaB lo Walker street ; then ea-t with Walker ttreet b-gmninf obtaining twentr acre Thia keaatiiaaa desirable pn perty fcaa beea tubd Tided la togtE RuildinK Lots,On of which contains the present reioVt.e of JaraeHesberton. This Let is hasiiiaMF tm ft a ted and arewt with Liatinraltl isee. lb robbery fcc.TkBMi or Sale. Oae-fuurta of in- pirc.n cash, the balance in oa ana two ya.rai'h li"Prea-r.lft-trta MARrT JWEIBHT CleeBDsrlaHt to healers ii.Matrkes.The aaderslfresd ei.h to Inform th pub! to that the;save at aP ttases tft store st11 UNION STREET, BOSTON,A large tteck tfWood, Box, Block St Card MatchescirPEBIOR to tbaaa ef aay ether maBBferture, anat .ucb pricea as wiu ait the Ssoseet fBii'l saar!,B-ing the sftftett, meat tgpei Mated aaft most aitraifrinaui.fanui.ia In the Uailed State we ar enabled tdfer xtra Indocsnsjesite le pill fliassis.Orders f.ttbful and paactually anwerd Mitcheairantid a ir-erntdBTAM, PSARSOE, CARLTON fc CO.tngU-lawtmM. McVaMEEMcNAMEEGas Sc SteamJ MCBAMEEo. CO.,Pipe FitteraBetween Shelby aad Bain Hiss ta.Oa Html tlrttt, opoitf DnraL, jtlfto . Celet Home.TETBERB they ar po iurft to do aay wreak ta tbet-fl i.e.Private and pMBfftS Igp forth ote r.f coal sat in the nBy It rrat ftWIHB ta aasftaaas, chlipootl sad tupatch w hep to merit hare of puBUe paArorugesugT-Bmkeapa, Star Cemdga. for ssale. byFLOtrBBdr, COOFXE k LI AEESIX 00 I Prise ofS "00 ft " "llfsa) s " '7 0W ft 'to) ftt NO 10 f1 600 100 " ".000 I IBS "I ft net . a tm and Ct;u:chAlwaes on ha-d a rich asteriment cr riai-d -grarkets and Perdantttaildrogs. ..-,, ,nd .tore.. In-v jyiftWEAT BAIiCAWS!jpa A A TV ATAt Qreatly Bedt. ced PricesFOR CASH!f$13,000 WorthStill on Hand.LilDIES DRESS GOODS,Lwdiea' White Ooodi,Black and Fancy Silks.Hosiery.Emhroi'drreti 8e tt', Binds, Collan, tu.K. tl and Silk. . loves.Men's and Youths'Clothing,BOOTS' SHOES,HATS AND CAPS,Satinetts, Twk-i n Jeans.FINE CLOTHS,Doeskins and CcissimeresSILK, OTTOS JNL WOOL,SHIRTS & DRAW ERS,ilk aid LiaeB Cambric Hiodkcrchlf,',.TICKINGS.SHEETINGS.SHIRTINGS.DRILLINGS.COVER,TOWELLINGS..TABLE CLOTHS,PLAID LINSEYS.SHIRTING FRONTING,sod BD LJNEN.Planters' (.cmmIs.KENTL'CRY TWILLS AND L1NSEYS;GEORGIA PLAIN'S AND KERSEYS;OSN'ABURGS, BLANKETS;HEAVY BROGANS, MUD BOOTS;WOMEN'S HEAVY SHOES.Saddles, UaiBfss, Bags, Bridles, Whips,&c, ac.Terms Cash, or City Acceptance,J. L. TAYLOR,oct n -tawNear Ihe Worpham. W. MORBIta..D . C. WABtS, I . n. lANSOSIt.Morriss, Ward & Sannoner.FALL AND WINTER GOODS,Xovv Aenns:TE woeld eery rerpectfntly arnounce to the perrhat-r. of DRT GOODS g ort: y, that aea.-e now re-cetring our new tuck ofFALL AND WINTER (.OODS.We are prepared to ofter PLANTBK8 g:eat ladocements.Our assortment ofBLANKETS, KERSEYS, OSNABCRG8and BROGANS,'coBsrrttot all the rarirtl. that sr- desirable and durable.In the Taney Department,Will be found a!! th- norejue of Ihe seaaoa.The at enlio'i -f tbe Larlie- to an ex.mtrial -a of ora onrtmeat of SILES, EMBROIDERIES, ate.. Is respectfully sollcUtd.B0ERISS V illi E i-SNOXi R.N 2a Main t-.reert.EtV FALL (JOODS!lHIlallS V W 11 IT E,CAH DEALERS INSTAPLE AND FANCYTTA 3 -.- ftrw f tn IB VPJf Jf, J, fjf V v ,V a9 1QCICE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS IS R MOTTt.WrE Inrtte the attrition of the people of town andcoeni-r I. k f FALL AND WIN-TBR GOODS, which we are efler'ne at plica, wa tftlnk,that cannot fall to he spp-rcup d seaaS-dasjaaa 11867. - -Fall and WinterCOSSITT, HILL & TALMADGE,aa r- eivri iircr hUXCA ofSTAPLE AND FAN' YDRY GOODS,Adapted to both City and Country trade, consisting lapart f Ike eo!low,e,gP.ata, Twilled Strips-1 Striped and PttU O.niburgt ;Browi. tnd Be c' ed Sheeting- ana 61 iriiuia;Brown aad Bieacbsrd Drii - atsd JE-rseys, aasort.d color, both 1Linopvg, eesor-ed ao or. plt;n 1Gold Medal Tw -d., J an- SetilBed B roke-. 9-t. 10 4 114 IIMegro Blankets bold white andBin Greea a- d Browa kiackinaFl.nne.s, both plain and twi!edid willed;Id, a l qualities;ind Cat-ineret 1IS 4;l.Bst'.lnketa;Shaker Op -ra tnd pr nted F sutiels ass -ted color.;Co too Vr veu, Ca brics Prints. Irish Lin-ns. Jaconets Sa i 1 1111I h ill 1 Bl iTilll ti ati I Plf BftSI.Mrjs-s. Alpaccas.rcV'ft'Afr icitk a nil Sock ofDRESS GOODS.IJEEaVA TRIMMIVGS,RIBBOMECRAVATS,BLlCC SILKS fcc., a-.We have also received s Csatsdett stock ofBoots. Shoe?, Hi,tfa;s ahd Attler).We fthljio in rltr h t rtitt m t a oar 1 arpr atoct ofCLOTHIXGtanufactuied.xpr.asl, ror this m.rkrt. oar feci lit leeor buytaf aad -eumg stood t-OW, are net saepea-e' bany borate ia the trade ta any -arket and we Invite tbelUenuoaof Merchania generally loon- stack, sad askbem to exaraiaeoar Gasds alid pricee, belieelag K willbe for their interest to mske 'heir parr hates sf as.COSStrr HILL fc TALMADGB110 and lit Matn-el , corner of J ffciaoa.ttpio-dawlmC AND t L, MIX & CD,,33.1 MAIN STREET,MEMPHIS,af purcbaatrt to theirvery Urg atoc. orFALL IND WINTER GOODS.We hare anFancy Uoous for the lanlcs.comprising 400 palteres STT.EJt, rarying froxi ftlft to ft loft.100 LACE SETTS, an atylaa and quallllea.ALL BINDS OFDRESS i lit- orLACES,TRIMMING ,MMBROTtlFRTrRIBBON'SGLOVES,BonraT.SHAWIJJ,MANTILLAS,ETC , ZTC.01B STOCE BPn m.SHOES, HATS, OFEAerEGS, COTTON TARNS,ients ftnc Clothing, ILlr.,than see here ever before shewn,aWe hare a I srxe lot ofSavy ana Whitney UtanketsCeatorty Twill and LsBteyt. Rla-k's cebbrated B'oSBBS, fcc i ANDES BIX fc COaepl-daws a - . a . a se iw e are now in receipt of our iFALL AJVD WINTERSTOCE OFSTOCE OFDRY GOODS,lilcb e-mbracLr-BE vor y Varlety.ADd ta peTtftApaThe Largest Stock in the State 'TITS eff r them to Who' seals aad Befall purchaser atVY low a any other bona la the city.I.. VEST K Co ,.er.?.-- 283 BAIN copy.TO THE TRADE.WE BATE ON HAND AND OFFER ATA LARGE STOSTAPLE AND -1 ANCToonssalt quaH-tETB iwaeavifntly a dKit tn ertmW tyandprmet. It tt ass, -tment neini!"'( at all Bcaseaa of tb y-sr. th'irgiving purchaserE erery edrsn age the rastern markt'CAVDEEs "VIX fit, CO.IttntS-da-SmThe lry Best.I waiCss r , . ctralry larorm my piiroet and tt poblle f aeraiiy. that I here seen ed tb srtlttJe tsrrlcerof Mr TASSALLO. ooe of the best sr'lslsU the Ca onC m" sad tee whether I ltlrv truly, aaft whether sebP'ofesslona! akin canaot predoee for y n ' b." beat pictures yon mt saw sf jasrraefre ' fteafl aa-nest."T A CARE,Ho. sorriLtBop-JEff JEWELRY.THE CREAT CIFT BAZAAR.MOHir SATED by BBTtaa eoBr WATCHES and JEWELETaiTJ. HARRIS',362 Maim Steeet, Locee's Sales Rooms."LIST OF T 4 l.t'ABI.F. PRESENTS,NO PARTIALITY.EACH pBrrhaaer. at th. time of sals, at autltkd to atin wsrth f root Moral a to 10u.Hoary Sold aad SUeer Watches iktoaailtral Par ma ad Bjpaaa tElch Sells of EaaaK, Caaatu, Basmelted andJet Jewelry ;easy Ta and Fob Chain, I(seats' Flos, ajoerr BsVoas and Btorta,Flae COM Binds. Ear Drops, ate., Sw.Second YearOF TBIlt(Randis I FT EM EBP RISE.1A pp recast i the spirit rf proarreaalea that aernstea the .people of Memphis and reruns that eom.lbtnt la dor tomy osteon for my anr-eas aad pro. per nr. I sua-eluded to drool, a large portion of ar pr flu ta preacata, !GIVEN AWAYas an extra bscaooasoBt for all to buy their Jewelry at262 Main Street.EoTtci. The nabi e win ream r see. arm e.miaa-tton of m. atock. that I aowaaa the rr-a'ea' pa. 1:4a f atil-itl-ti r oat. to the srrr h tier, ur nrofoasbx a,!r rtlaementl. Iwelry aad G.f that we hare aot oaforcos to buy at bifh aod eairar.nta all my S"ots f r CH. Too a ho .Kes. Ilea la 'ho far teat I conitantly r rarest of rental , keeping tt ariir- buy ins mh and sri ioft cheapflu and pertly aale Is my motto.i haul, noie a laraa amRICH AND ELEGANTJEWELRYWholesaU' and Uctail.I r an;VB now in ay rr. Kittf an ooiiant'y r mitt tmm Hrw T' rt th lartt! im4 most ct VALrABl K K VVwtLRT ever ctfcrt! iu the u w"Pts e't nf tf; HEAVY GOLD, SILUEK & PLATED WATCHES,fmE cold jewelry,Cvraprifiat; all th rw and latitt itylu.OAEBO,MOSAIC,LATA,aad PLAIN GOLD FIMf,BRACELETS AND E ill DROP!Lary rarutyiBaal y', Pr mam Diamood Port ted Ootd Poaattient't Skese Bui lone aod 8t-da ;Jero-'t csftebiaiad S day and ao boar CLOCKS.ifLcJO,Cattort, Silver and Plated Wart, Frail Ba.ket.,aui'ei .no r rillA-eordeon, Fl-tinas. Pika'a Cutlery;Tog ther w th a Ursa and Tart d asaorasieat of woticcsof rrry ,'ewcriptlon All of whlih. I ehall donna- to, aell at 26 p-r cant leas than any other booa In the city.! Wsteee,-caref-rty repaired and warra ted.All kinds of Go: : aad ftllier work manufactured to or-derMaaonl- Jewels and Jewelry on bard and made to order.THOg j rabbis.At G. M. Locke's Salesroom. Set Mala air.I B'BjpLl, Tttam.DISHOLITION.0V the 1st Jen. 18S. the firm heretofore existing h -twen F. B. CLARE aad A C. WTREACB was dto' torred by mr.tnal consent F. H. Clark u charged withthe aett emen .of the business of the late Srn of t. B.Clark fc 0o. F. n. CLARE.A. 0. WCEEEACB.5TEW FIRM.Th mbsCTlher bar assocUted hnnaerrta toawlherandar ta Bras of F. E. CLARE A OO.F. H. CLARE.J AS. ft. wimjri,TBOS BILL.OUR NEW FIRM.i It aBords ma pleasure to announce to my friend i andi tae puhJo that I ha aaaocuted with me my formeroartaer, JAS. ft. WILKLN3, and my weu-kixrwa atal.' taat, TBOS. HILL, under the fanullar style of t U.CLASS a OO.The new firm will start with an efficient fores ta eachi esec'uanical branch, ibe Watch deparuaral Sofas aacawthJ nperrlf Ion ot Br. Wilklna.: 8 to t 'xt1 : at al! times of the latest faahton, and pricesiaa loa aatheaanv-qaalityand stylo of good, can be pr-c ... . . j r.; i :. a - in To kI I am thtnkfnl for the lib- raj at-ouar j exteaaaaft ta1 earing c: nne, n yea-aresideeior In Eemphlt, aid myalts o,U be to 1P. H. CLARE.jEMTABLIHED 1841.OCR aim haa hot a U Beep pace wttk oar growing ettr,and furnish thoa oho want Goo-Is ta oar llac withaspo.1 artirle,. and al fair price. Our ascortmeat.wear, has been bat Itt tie if aay behind oar Res ternart tea. it it more extensive this ftSBBB tbaa ever. Oarhading braachre art, firstWATCHES,&Of wtl -A we hare every rarlety laBanaral as.trarether with a Urge ar -crlniini marie to ourr which for neataeat of style and tlraa-kerp-mg. ar- tnrpaaaed by none In enr a.-ortrnentI will ba found the Eight Day Watch aad the RepeatingI wxironorneter, gtvlnt the time to a mtnate ia th dark.JEWELRY.flmr iV.rtiTilt In thia lEnrrsr1anl hrsrv!i t. trtmt tStllf hr f rrtjoent rteCt-lpU of vU Xhm Ml ityamv, WaiHhT of tn-r:--. 77 - a.GU.YS, GE.VS.Wt have made tail branch of our bntinest a stadp fas ;yeara, not only nostint oartelv.-s with regard to the different qualiua and mortis of tb eiffereat stylet and maker, bat of lbs klaes brat "sbi ttoor raarktt Ouri . Err a oambrr of pa .ra, has area Urge, to ,wh-rh. we Bsrv- recently meu sua y andiiloaaor our own 'linrortation. We caa furnut, our customer, with SHOTGi BS fossa aft ta tai; biFLBS rem Sift to $10.AJto, the celebrated SHARPS fe RIFLE.X Islols,D BEE IE GEE aad 0,1 LT, of aU alaa.rtment of the kmci la general as.Els, t full as-SILVER GOODS.Tea Bad CvaWaaCs-tt. Pitcher., eVetl-u.' Cups, Cttlora,Spo-.n. p.,rka, Ladiet, with many choice Fancy Articles,all cose ftae.SILVER PLATED GOOD.Ornt. CasUirs. Candlesticks, Tea and Cotre Sr isaes. Cake aad Fruit Sea Bets Spoons. Forks. La-i.. s Piub-era, Goblet., Caps, Waliera, Be., fccOTJTIsimT., A full a- - rim nt of Pocket and Table, from th SettSsakert, wttk a treat variety of Fancy Goods.OTJR MECHA1VICAL BBAWCH.I All kind of Watch Work done ra th moot lailhfajrnanuor. Jewelry repaired, and ..are tc crder.Egraving.F.ata and Oratnenta! ; Beau for Lodes. a. Court,An any ttrie . Btencei rutea af all tiaesoctlft-dtwty F. H. CLAEE fc CO.JJeT 7J TJVT tBja- xSTOCK ! y5I ITA! BES Sone rerr ftne.TIT JE Vt'ELRT New styles.8II.VXRW.tBB Coia line.ML atk PLATBD GOODS Best qaaHty.aPBCTACLtS To toil erery ccoditna of tight,SUES Bast materiPISTOLS Fni! a. sort-centFCTET AND TABLE CCTLERT.CLOCESCABBS.FA NOT vJOODSMsklrg by far thr best assortment erer offrrsd la thtoara-i y. H. CLARE fc CO.,ma-tis Eo 1 Clark's Marb.e BlackIT1PROVEDSPECTACLEACCrBATELT adtnttysl to the eye, a as to toil themeet difficult visas, wnisost aoeaaaaas; that sens.of weak- ess or fatigue to the organ generati' o ease alaedof by wearer or con moo giants, bet eissbtlaf lb vermof this Improved Spedaet to poraae the m.ut ralnateaaaployateat either by day or caadat Uaht. a,th east andSalter actio, byCHBH. IATJTjLEB, Optician,OP THE PIR0M OPCHEN. MTJLLER & BR0.,Wholesale sad Retail Dealers taClocks, Watches Jewelry,IMPROVED SPECTACLES,; t;.'i-. d.f Pr.-.-.f Ar-rr,OFPOSTTEI B IIRTLAND S OFFICE, MEMPHIS.PtRTTCCLAE alter!. m psi 1 to the repairingof Watebea by aa experienced w.rkman. Beingdel -rr. in- d not to he t jrceUr-d lo teaarrlor worfc-ta thka of the hsatoes we haveehaag' d Brat da I Watchmaker, and can flatter oarI eel v ta earing that them tt a House-, Bast or Wast.I tha! can boast of a better Cliete carefolly repaired anwarraaten J -wrtrr aad Spectacles af every dnecidptlot,made ba order. OM Jewelry Beetle repaired, and Spectacle Gieeae Inserted la old rramea to suit every tightP ft. The Bsiaariiat com rial -tt of person who barkm rr posed upon by individuals p-dkLir g through theci an try an tt isrior essn ef 5-yrctscies repreteatlLf'hern to be these iiapiin a r as see, reader tl necessarytriat we booed caat le.. tbe patlic against goes Tcn.rTtmd prr.tettbe,. ii ap,made bv ut are stamped -pra th Basse of the fnaiae-1udew CITRIOTIA V MCl.t RR ,a ITHE SPHEREOTYPE.rttg! late.t sn.1 by far tbe amt importantEmen in Photography tt the recently patented pitare kail l aa tba 8FHBEEOTTPK. which ia net and aeyef It. pn iter ess or s. knt greatly aPrtor I all. live di he-eotipe la proof acaiuat ux aad riehae or tooe, w,rath ofI xsreaetua and uutlnctaees sat t o equal in tae. sue ai lumen It snob ibat the picture, er image seems susotxdi ed la air, entirety IndepeiKp-al ef ibe bask roundKor thi- nictsre we bare ine tcloiie rubt fr M-ni-i phis Specimens can be aeea ra ear GalUry, where psc-Zurea are alto lakra in the various style by our Artist,PBOF. BBMINOTOh.s the Ch-mist wllh the triw wt.icnena-I Una bin. at all trans t prodace tsmerlor Peri oreP. fl. (TLA EE a CO ,Wo I Ciart'i MoTtilw-F0R SALE BTRob t . H. Bail.13 Bjeamore-st., Cincinnati, o.H. 0 McCOMAS,f obubIssIob t FotardistsT Mf rchantEO 1ft bTOAEORB STEEET, CINCISATI, OHIOBiaris-lyf ASH FOR WHEAT.WANTED ONE HCND .FDTHOt'SAND BC3HBLat wheat, far which the htftbest aurket pricwin b paid to cash.ITO-TOLASS, DCfWBLL fc COr&iit eirTft-San K"AWES, siitb 4 tu.s billets.f" 'fPjm A'mjpi-ixxm Tirio, 1857 1MEKl'HaXTB PLANTED, UKCUAMC8 1LOO 14 TO VOI R INTEREST.HAWKS, SMITH 9c CO.,IMPORTERS AMD DEAXBES IECUTLERY,AGBICn.TTRlL IJIPLEMEXTS,Hob. 304 and 906 Maln-st.AIM A0EBTB POEHminf'in Patent SalamanderSafes !HAT1MG bow rocetrod the traator porrtoa of oarGuod.tcr it. SI EING TRADE hr rooent sat Kurof sad the Es.u rn Cilaea, we ass prepared IrVr arraier tri.ltcemrnt, la the Mercbaau Plantera aridEchaBlcof the Soathweoi than hare hithartoheea of-ferod in this mantel (or proof of which wo rospctfmiyao left the inspactaaa of on' .back aad pries. Is .tow ofthis, we haee place.! oaraolreo la a poailloa to oftVr lo Uroe who may rule Mem p. for the pur-woo, vi oatiui iiieir parcaas- a. aa win a i ' tnen fromoeliuc another mark' t, u far at Wast aa oar hasiaaasto concerned. To full carry at tbto oajart w hare madepermai.B'arraaft'avea'ewiih the boot manufacturer lcBasstaBn aaa in this onui ; :y, to be rrtalarlrj with a fin stack id Go-d in oa. Uaa, aoat wUlthose whs nay faror as with their orders, withww OAurei aa any house m lhe ooanlry. ftoatkcocpn- eaFor tlief ounrry Trade.SoUod .nd Charcoal Iron Ca.tiag.,Boston, Puila'elphi. aad Wheeling Nails,Bunt'i and Collins' Axes and Hatchet,Log. Trace Stay and Strateh Chains,Brlsht aad half bright casteteal St is.CaaUta-ol p. in hoi rlreteat-eye I'm.Oil root and iu bent Hacjea,Ho( akin ColUrs, bora, aad mBsa,Cot too, wool and Jim Crow Cards,E anil la and Jut Cordage.Thread aad comBsosi cotton Bopa,Plow Lines, Bod Cords, Clothe Unas. Eat.,LoBiarUie. Cincinnati aod New Tork StfUra,siue. oco i .a a-u ! larin-ut..oe..Al'. - - .Eowisad'a auc Can't Shov.Le andTaos aad Po- ae . Cniic- y, .:Locke. Latchu Ding -., Ac.,Well Wheel and Weil Backets.Together with oreey article tult-d u th trad of thcount rr tuerchant. In theAtrricultural DepartmentWe have made the t- at aelertlona from the moot approraomanufacturers of rrery article necessary tor lAaptaaUaftcommutttly. IncludingCotton. Cane and Grub Hoes.Cane Entree n gria. Hooka,Plow and Wagon Chatna,Pan Bl la. Corn Mtlla Corn Sheilas",Cera and Cob Crasher,. Str.w Cutters,Hay and Manure Forks. Eakaa, As.,Grail, Crodra., and Scythea,Patent and common Churns,Ham. Collar,. Stiigtletreo., at,Prcamg Saw. and Chisels,BsMSS n lmpleaaEBU of all fctada,Hall E Spear'a wrouftht aad cast Plows,Allen'. Cotton Plow, and Scrapers,Together with a faU atock of the eeaebrated Avery aadi... ...... m. co j-.owa, wr.icB Barefa,. 4ivet each umrerssi aatiaractlon. We ar fullypmrwi io .-rp always on nan-, a large stock of theseFlow together with the extra Poiou and Caa tings, ao asto ha ahi. to aapoiy our plantera with them at aB liasesIs th. eeUctiou of oar eteck of Gooda in theMectaanical DepartmentWt hare paid meal particular aitr-tion to the mureauof oar mechanics We hare selected inch gooda aa arebest tutted to this tns-kot, and can safe r gca.-an'r taUa-faet'.cn wall.Our atock la this department u full sod compleucomprising InRnildine natcrialsBiasaBguil'acelebraPd haaaa,Gfwenwoc-d't Axl. Pul l, and Shutter Ptatnlnrs.Fear! White .ur Mineral Eteeb Lkt and Latch,Clo-a and Kectro-Plalcd " "Cottage. 3ural aad Morttoa "Fr.Bt and store door " .Sliding d-or Locki and Pumlttrre.Solf-aauttint door tad Gate Urn re, and I-atchae,BVilta and Hook,. Nails, Brads Screwa, heThis deptrtmep in oar tattneaala under the tperU:BBBiiitollili of oa ef the banner., who haa for manri years, in that city, given it hit careful attention, aad beI lrrinc that this branch of our bueauraa require, morethan ordtnarj care, both la the or cctioa of the goodaI and in fill In; ordert, he U determiner! as at hit b- tt oc-oeavors to step ..lch goods aa shall MM. chaatcs, and wiL hold rrarj icdirnKntpatrci-cI We would call pa-tlcaUr attenU n w our stock ofiur,4. . i t arutc -. can ruiiy gaaraniy,larpa-ntt r's ToolsCnioo Factory Plane--, Rules, fcc.,Seiear a Jaeksoa't Hand and Psnaill Sears,Bntcher't cut steel Chiae aod Pile.,Earl Smith fc Co.'a File,Weiberhr's Cbltei, and Draw a-slvea.Cam', celebrated 'Spirit Lev. is. Rules aad Quegra,Aafert, Anger Bttu, Bcrewdriven, fcc.Rlacksmltss'a Tools.FecH'aLouisri.le BVliosrs.Newcookb's New Tork Bellows,Solid Box and P .relied Tsoas,A ran toga's Mo tie hot. Aoviie,CJ-y'. ararr sated Aartu,Hand aad Statgt Haauaars,Biakausitk TetafBU,Farriers. Haarisr-rs E elves aad P Incus.Tinner' .WaterlaiAs.Best Charcoal Ttu Plate 1 C,IX," Lraftod Boo mag I 0,Ear Ra. Spelt re fcc.,I roe Brass and Copper Wire,Bolt Copper, apldcrlaglrotia, fc...Tinned and B -a tiers Soect Copp,Boll-d and Charcoal Sheet IronEats tmiutun. Euas. and Gaiveraiaod Iron,Bar Iatad Eive-l, Copper Tacks, fcc.We wo.od also call the atteatkin cf Eallrcad and LevaOenteac'-ra to our stock ofRst'rad Barrow,, Ame't She. eels tidBo-1nfMacbluri.Mttt.s-ka Picks fccj HaTtnr a thorouch knowledge of our buainest la all Its( hraneh., we are determined to girt tt ear entire attention, and than attend personally to an tb order, aaft Isthe transection of our business hr .very particular, and-, - . r. sat'.-r .it.e;r a ih- a Ml riv .,-ufsc-tloB. HAWES. SMITH fc CO..ferejSl snd wm Mt!n-at.trBITLDl's PATENT PORTA.RLE CIRCILARSAW MILLS,MAR CPA CTTT IED BTli t) BTAVERT,CLARK ASt. Xotiig, Mo.i l(.rxT-tt.-a RAT M(EIPHIS,Q. McLEAH.TE?nr.i IT. tdNC; taken 'V Agencv for the tale of the aborti XI Cirrclar Saw Mult, I am prepared to fill all ord-r.for Mllra. with or without the power to Art them aatbe thoelPst noticePrisons wuhing to purchase Ml! it and alto desirous thaithey should be set ap and put into operation, caa he ac-comascfated., W4e oat wih to praise our own work, all we atk ofBartone wishing to parch Ellis Is hi examine ourwork before buying elsewhere, as we I hint tu.-y will giveaa the prefererar. after such examination. W- are aalIsflrd our Mlfte will saw more lumber, aus! In belter styleta the tame number of hours Hun aay ether Saw BillPerson! wlsMnf tc purchase MUit win pleas tddree,os at Eenphto, Tann G. EcLEAE.BOILER MAKER,Black Sfliiili and Sheet Iron Worker,Corner of Front Boss eaat H'iacAcsfsr-af .,MEMPHIS. TEJI.SRCoND.n.tND EdWa heaght soldand exchaug.d fur aew ones. Sheet Ironwork done of every description, .neb asCbitoaeya, Brichea, Fire Beds Ba-spFlee. Olid, users Fo fe-.Mn'SllCl.l!e-aat. aadsteanboat Work lariairal. Aka. Beak kurea, Fireprecf ShnuG-. meter. Ci-lema fccN B P- U.rl repairer! at the shortest notice, snd orth. tt os raaottabk- 1. rnns ror. 1 1 ClswlvN. B. FOREST,DBAliRfl IX ialaWFS,No. IT Atamsst, .Vaempbts, Ten.nAS lust r-civedN rth CainlimTiBfo, to wmch Mr - .i-at-r-t f :i Crr .m EofroTh-psvery uclllb . His Neplctf ftUftftJ CftOKptJUH.Soathern country,ttic, cenlitMf- mt'bsrrved and rnfofCvKpte A- ! awrvmnu fbudy o6 mini SI0tr1Co-Partnership .Vofice.IHAVbX thU -ar MfawfcifBal wttt. m- tn tltv VMaMltOroc rv aiut c.ftBtaUt'ow niwm. Mr. f ABktOWrf, U4- th lasjt dvvi 7-rar7ji In my empwOf TV !-ur-mlc f-itari ui be 0Mduclt-l utvirr :h- ityk t 8WilUtOftiH d tt Co. 8. WILLIAMV)N.M-ntfhli. Jbs. 1. 189T. BVtfPaii. m.r.4 Klwtrr. Copy.H. IIOEI EK,ItOOKING-OLASS As GILT FBAMtivr atajxtfaotuix-.LD Ftamet re-gild-d looking- 6lt -et re-silrered likVnew Ail work warrant-d. Ot!tor, on hand tor aale, Washington airees,mvi-dlvIO RF.EIRDFOE a dark bay HOBSB, blind 1cf twelve years i Id ; ba, been ml-S3w.-aks, supiioecu .0 lie IB ineEoKINNET fc CO.senft-irA. VACCAR0 & CO.,PAT A LEES IEtiROf KRI F,S.Foreign and Domestic Liquors,Wines, FiKara, Frniu, .c.,NO. arW MAIN-ST., MEMPHLS. TKNN.rrctllEs rayse Shelby Cointy.k!"g legYtt in tb-ft h Civil Di-tiict, cu tbe Raleuh roadT.kea bp bt James w C-wgill so 'hr llth dayrrA usual. I'7. a DAI. K cngSNrT-SOEEEL HORbEwith black nun and tail,r 10 years old llhsndti Blch. blaca tm s Bp te tbe k- era. left bled loot whit,j aod ;U' ia f .-ahead V-ineM at aS. Said Cowgirl rtI side laths ft h Call District, four miks northwest or; Ka'e ft.T kn up hy Bliss ratnd.on the 8th day of AugustI8V7 sSO REL HOEAB MCLR aha t ft yeara old, 14 Hhaads Mf h, a few white hurt on roht cheek withoutshort;7.years rtl- we:SMa Iilus the spoeirance ..f a work ant al Tailed a:Alto, a PROWN RAT M ARB MULE, 10Vd IS hand, b f gear markt on aho 1 lera. a Utile on her heck. Tain ft ai ft ft Said Bond r -l the 7 h C-r ' DiaUt t, six oil es fromTaken Bp tv J htthan Eeathle-. on the ftTth day or'nly, 1S3T, a DARE BAT amt s EOAN HOLM COLT.Tbe bay I .boa' IS haad! hhth. 3 year eld itt -pitas.TalardattSO Tbe -os. i. about II hands h'gh, I yearold iat Sftsriaf. wbie mane ayat tail. Valued it $T0Sari Kca'Her r, d t ir it e lat Clrtl 1-l.lrletTaken rrp bv Jss-nb Enilv. oa the I7lh da. of Angutt,IS67. aa IRON GRAY MCLR about 111 or IS veaet sM.median, tu. Talaed at ftlta Alto, a BAT MAREod COLT The e are Is "me B or ten y-ara has -wall-h'Dd 'oot rrtghr star li the fac . Ysleed a- ftlonT ceM t of s hay wrier, f aaoatheeM. T. asf si faTbe said a; 7 roakftsa la th llth Oirtl District, .Tak'n ap br J J. William, on the ft h SepeswjbwI 57, a DABE BAT HORSB .boot IS veers old. 141,ha-ft - high blra la tha left eyre Tgia d al aaft Bk'WRII tr.s r-.-ld i' the 14th rrll D .trtc-Tsken Bp bv w E B Ib.n, on thi ftth of Sppeemhrr'837. s grixsly GRIT COLORED MUl B tboat 10 year,dd. 15 hairTt birh, saddle and gear isark d has a sore erthe nrt-t tor. left, rough taead all roi.n i. Vaiu-d at 1 100ItM Bolton restBs la Mr IgTcmi PistrietA. a TrrflMAS,wftl EC frr uieBFBELLS, BELLS.we haee m tioro a toafltifa aoaaorijaent of-SUPERIOR TO.tED BELLS,froai tltT to Sr. bbboM poosid.. JUHariolo haadBa fur ajimatlno cr cborch purpuoeaIron C'EtipesifiBells,n aw an I aBi la rem loo forLOWSfl TiGILL A 00 ,It Front Row.rt-FAN MILLS.W ars joei m reertpl at thirty fa;', .toeWARRANTED FAR MILLS.,Speak quick; " First coat ftrtt terred "LOWXB.t ORiJIl.!. E CO..BB Bos. IS ssat 14 Front R. w.FISHING TACKLE.niatiaamwa who teii-- to v(ytiAm xammmm with- ' oswtti torSUMMER FISHING,a , , . . . .Pa w- , ca i aa.i vieet from oar new and rareA. w . suaing trtlcleaof ike choicest stylesBda, aatorttd aaahBBBajL 4 and ft omu; .1 4 asvi ft o bis;' -,"l:"L " ery ther - 1.:...kali, Iale! B aa. sela, fksHi Books,French Pel.Bailisk Bod.Artificial Flra-b-ty cOaiuian Siivtajgarwieh Baiu r a-aa,'a Ills- aalso,A complete stock oomnrinne sssrv w.,Superior aat-asassL I ha ill ak. QaiiHiajaa, T.rginUEirby aad CanuteF18H HOOKR!teOWNkS. OROILL fc CfJWm. IS aad It Front Bow.suftS Eimuais,NAILS.Three thousand kegtNAILS AND 8PIKE8,eaorted sites, at farsraiele rat. In lota 1 tits trade,for cash. Quality warrantedLOW MRS OBGILL fc CO.,aagft Mo. IS sad 14 Front BowRich's Safes Tented.Is H S numeroas part res who hare parcbase.1 from ntRICH'S SAFES, made by Sieerne fc M.rvm. as oatoral'y interested la ever, revolt tes'lng tb'ir dre pi - 'qoaotses. We iheTeh-r- inrtte such, aa well aa theIC gene-ally, to aa i-.apecilui. ..f Mr S BcManae' bareat uken r-rm the ruins of hia tture, cocsumsd Thurtcaymorning. Jane ISAHh..agh the basks tad other valuable, wcr nmos.dfrom tb aafep-erioaB to .tsahandoBnaeai to the hssrsing .Hiding yet lb few loos par"' left In It, aad theunharmed and par feet 00c dit loa . f .he fnurnv r, aa satisfactorily ear a bite tot taps.a r P re-Proof quaUtlea a.bongh tbe book had beea aReeeft to remainThe Safe referred I may be area oa tee aide walk. Infront of oar Stores, Xts 1 and 14 Front R. w MemphisJyS daw LOWNES. ORGILL fc CO.guiltonci aye ma Wa m V wm at as a ss sea.AL vL y Faf MS Ms aft 1 V K MM.I teeo eawalsaao on k.od . swsv. erf ss. ea..i ...BUILDING LUMBER. SILLS. JO ICE,WEATHBE-BtAEDlr.G, STf-fllNa SBEET1MO,sssssaai s.1 a.s.ssa, s . SO I.! PtiPL Kl ia . 1 Vs IB and 1 in..eero.g, Teilew . Ine. Poplar snd leans,VJ a large I,. , Shtne!, Cedar,M B. rdOCajRtN,Oentrt La, ' ng and Waekingion-et,.to. crriaaat Cesiht -. ylav -1 and heweOCt-!yC. B. MOO BE J H SLSTEAD R BABESSAR PLANING MILL,Door, Sash and Blind Mauu factory,EI1IBER W1RD.SECOND STREET, SOUTH OF UNION,MKV1PHIS, TEJ.rvLOORTVri, W,uth-rbo,'dl. D.rP and Window Frame, aad Castafjinga, Co-naui. Csiisaoat. Lasit Work.B'th, R:ti,ds, Dorr, Mante-t. MocMing Scroll Work. Shelsmt. Sr-criptl-rn ,,f B .i.d.a- M.Ieria!aleay, on hand and made to order.MOORE. HALSTEtDfcCO.B B The highest cash pn-e paid for a.1 kind- ofLnosls'r Vrl ItWELLA1B g. EBWIXWELI.ER St EKWI,f Memphis FactoryAND LUjeIBEH TABD,Oserfea rfrset aeae Me Sfroifftft aaaf Okie Deyeof,KEEP finr tele anal make to order Doors, aaahBantles, Frame, Hoaldlaga east t-rerTth.rsa la tha'rfths. of the be-t materia's and worem.neb.ip They analso prepares to do -11 kiiel- ot Sawing and Plan ug I gir d Ucrert tmldlngt of -erj de.criptsua i te.brlve and at iBaring procienablevl to man-be per and tShins:-, Whs.aad a - d r - sedO- orders iap7X-dawli-.hingry they win aaaa besoy.F.3 . i all kmdtat the cityn-rlor tale, dreased, the eoualrr promptly atunded te.J. W. JAMES.Carpenter V lluililer.AMI, MASCT.lcTrRva OsTSash. Doors, Blinds, WindowT FramesANDMOULDINGS OF EYCRY DESCRIPTIONSty SHOP, n Tsni ttreet, sear Bay-.u Geyaee.! lTt-'1,S'nLl.UBER YtRD.J. H. MULkORD,li. Door and BlindMr, r- s f -s t-e ur,- :-.S ASH. Doors Biti.da and Mual iias k-n ua haad earmade to order Alt.,,DOoRS AND WINDOW FRAMES,Worked Floorings. Ceilings,tad all other marhiae BseeB la bit lie will he mrniah.o BeAtdrrs oa short notice.CONTRACT. OX ECILDINU TAEEE.OrBce aad Manafacr.sryoo seam, a' reel. Beer Memphistnd Chirleston suuroasi D-p.t. U.mpbta Tena.) 1 1-lT4arriaac Sfiiositonfs.i an iajje Factory.TI1F. ter?tcrwS navw okc-aex? a Cam FaciorySex 1 1 Rival f Irlwaeu Waab-mffoa aittl A Jam atrecta. w ? tbry ar p.pareti to Maua sctnra aad iV -Irn.rCrTia- at Tt- abor'. rr w -rk iVjotbpi wtll bw scmizu), arjaf a aluagttataMlanA-lvof pu tc patriL ft BTftE A OOteREAT Ol Tt B ll KHCARRIAGE EMPORIUM. M. WISWELL rnTHIS etfshilshment conttaaeit the old ataad on rule e s, bet , -(ttiu aad Secoud, .here msy b foundrerr flue . ... r'.ment of Carnages. Bug.-lea Rsrkawty, fcc of their own msnufact'in Thtake ' his met s4 of retaruinf ihenka for pa t favor,and invite tas a shluf to buy to examiee rhel .narioefore piirrhaaas tswhT. SftwT IfJ & A. WOODRUFF,CARRIAGE REPOSI TO.RT.lVos. 8 4 Exchanis-a B mid ing s,MBMPHTS, TENN.COSSTSNT1.T os hand I larg siscrraent of CARRIAGES, f nr. the be,msncrarrtofie,. In t he Pnlted States.Carnage- built lo .ardor aid work run..guarantied All klndsef B as all hat, deaawlih aeata .and dupeick byj a a wish usm rr80fEREI4.N SQC1TTERSOF THESEUNITED S'FATES.KNOW v br tbs-s t lestata. that I ha lest nativerreon direct i- p rteys aad bom. Baairfaciaraa, tha ges, rhaeat snd he t ss-iertrd imptemeots of effeas.and dtfrnss ever nvsp-tfcl ioUi. cty coMisMng r sit'Tlee of REPs'ATRS IBd PlSTnL". RIFLE', SBOi'.CMS. ENITES fcc. Aaunun i tloa t( all kirste. AsPI'htng Tack-le The meet wB be toot al a agaall BVaace oa Caat either w be arse l -r rull.Wasp aa of all kind a repair ft with ncata-aa snd dupes a. at fslr rate, far cst'oraers eat myself.Sua of the Bag Osia.B. WOLFF,Gunsmith. Memphu. No. left Mam street,BOg-lt itaersas Betwera Adams ood WashlagtaC K. H0LST A S0H,rt o - at.Makersvaoiaei aU 1 D E R TA KEKSMala-at,. OM Stead, rirst Deer below Mesa ree.(TU tidttt ftrwntnt sfsasi (a fait Ctl JHATS cooitaatiy oh hand all ais of Patent Metal!Bn-lal Case, which they Hoe and pot ot alr-trrbtthe be.7 manner Also, all tlnslt of Wood BkV ,;ot-overed Cofttat, whtch they ten tt a fair price .Orderi from tbe ceaitry prompt rr tteBs? d be.nlture mavte are! nspeirssl. aad Cphoit tan-tod casrS-IVRestaurant :ON UIxION STBEKT.THE tabtcriber rtpectfuay Inform! hit old frleadtALL the public i tat he haa onet-d a new Re.-ant oo rniou street, where he Is pr. pared to furnto:he beat viacdi that ca be fount m ' r-,ret. ter vera the bett Partetan try!-1 Ojtert. Game, ftp ska. Saind Fre Water Fltb Blrde m fact, ertir'bjag taite.o tb fleaot aad moot d-lkrate eplruraa lasts.Sir rat a call 1 hare six difftreat rooaat lor the ac-moodatioo of Private Parti. I will not be ataUBBtla any branch cocnectsid with ay DZMFERWOLF.Tii din Ra4CEinE'JU , irWlVTas ysci SSrr'MS, .rtng, by POTJT3at. to ha!-, Hear. T' I't MMfc ATDLETT,3.-i J,nNelfcis-"MjasaBBKggfpftMl riPKOF. IIASKFLIASIlKIUrill!Tid $2 par hottie.It Ir 'nrigratov that w '1 1rca er.- rati, ; ci- aa t-M k tea aahsau, oatMo k.nier b iaa rwag aaasaaaroaa. as w -th atbor i ..n a, a-.t i.-biaatsiu It I prats I in lake It It owqae a FtraiiQlai- aad eaaeBBave ateere ftura or Scald ia ft e mln- iI ateo.! TB-aO-1 psTtosoEtBeprln-to!.of Beetrtc.y; thoa-t.nat. A mirornaseaSCTiee has en per .eme.1 uv i allor -rtbHand Cgovrytniac - - th-n give tin. Oilsal t - la!Ind tent peraesaa.a ., r ovss .M-Clerao. Oolr roes Ccheat a-. J-i ' s wol deal akftv d by 'he prMaw ABB 11Evervfjott o haa ' Pb'osm ea the at e sna 4:-. B---a h aad aaa.PEITS! 'r-k .- gt.a1 .. a-i tie ear. i-la Fargwhos--!e sad Edevra -r." e-oo-d ataeptrgr-iPi -era.Tl- aa'a 4eiring a sap-by ca ling intheirS ftftO. er ftlftftOaer d.eaev, ne.ire.v pa ked. aad a rariety efa Bt!!.. he., faraithed gratattrdert ; you wtu find it caret and ,sad a-ea BpH sRRl.s a CO . BrnggUta.1.. a;laaIPun4-i Main street. Mewtphls. 1aa.THE WASHINGTON REMEDIES.PCRELY VEGETABLE.rarsxjESE Berne to . curing tie brief period they he1 t- .. before be sabiic he srsrx . sdait latheir wa- into u liverreaaaSBahle cur, era.-cej'.'i n. ftVx ted .kroBfaahaa haaa ircurab b- the mast n laent of thBa Wa-hing-ea Be meat. are fowr ia eaweh. r, ruThe aVasninKton Furltter,us .. ,Tbe wfEblneton Salve.W'H BBsBM radical curt in all tt worst tor ma af theI.U.W. g di-eetelScr sf svta. Isaraty,Salt h . 1 Be rrvSvyhBU, Bon, F-toa.Scald Head, TVtier Wertitch Blag WormOld Sores, SsrofBlou rieert.Wh.loat,M 1.Fsstaia,Manar,err-alHi letr-rrnl . is oe-f., o-, - asaa , IstllraM S...I ll, ... H. - ., -. , .mco the moatthe agency fssea given up 1nodical raeeily. It- ' di. as. . .us ru f- m tmpB'ttie -f the btood 3 RAN iVATiMi RKSOt VKsT, The Wa-hn gtou Pur Srr ecu with great force ea an Cam Humors Bhtuai. rsmaii t. r rrts Nodes, Talis. aae, r IrrtsraUritie at tbe Llrer, Sidneys ar more, fsreer ftoras. Ski a B if llisi.iBiiitB 1. Bma-R--a j chilto, Dytpsaau Goat. D-de-7 dnpkliu, llea-The Washington Bhcumatic Renifdies.INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL,Braises, (Serains.F-oat Bite,Is.nsthe 1Croup, ,be Cheat,Mumps, H.-l l.uo-p.I eof.ll Me rarsl.vs. In th. soldo. asal disease.BaTn1""Lumbaa-o.G-ut. Cotr-cted Smews, a ka. cough tor two eara. abe coagb-d sp tcm-tiroes halfX-uralg.a, Paralysis a pint of hswd durtag the aisht See waa eared in trveala all caars where External Stltautetlao la required, . day. by the E lief aad reassiv c a sraawi th Wssking en Ehenmittt Otau , A tore leg of twentr -on rear, cared ta three weeka.BPnt bv Eadway's Behef Mr T B. Ethas. a merchant ttThe Washington Eemadlra WB SB fasae he hwaptd) ks ksanhaaaarlagiai Dshbsargt, 8a . say. "ihatafeath tollow.i., low p-iced pwkag-s 1 -e -.v. ,1. : o n-- t man. vh .r twaa'v-c, yeer. had bee aftBttaaatnent ta ft cent ind $1 Jars ; tb Purifier and Interna 1 "lis, a sore leg. that real-ied sr. ry kind of trealmeat.R-m-dy for abeamal.tat are put up ia baltlee at ft! 1 was .Jfectuallv cured in three wrs-ks by Eadway's B techysr : 1"- 1k""" 1" y D0 ..''irgua, o. i-a roa.a. .trees, -saww 1 . a . v r. . .1 a.- .. ,-. ,Bad - Fi-eartoBra.L.T' '.if1" .- 9 JfSft &I sen w-.rih fc Co., aad Johaaoa fc Loaf Meatphu,. .lvXTKKwSCHERRY PECTOIaAL,For th rwpld Car of( Ol IsB.S, COLDS, BOABSEXESS,BBOM HITISsYv 111)01 . (, ( ol isH,CBOrP, iTHlA, ANDCOJfSr.flPTlOI.AND POR TH K 1 o.abl ePTIXB PAT7RBTT8IN ADVANCED aiAUSlh OF HE I'.silAbd-wapeak to the p b'lc ot its virraett . v-ry t.,wB, a- d alaeoat every hStale-. I't woo 1 .- . A P1 nn 0- f oft snf- 'I in -t- 'IB " ft381tth r of rnvawe srt't 'ta theatk. I -areaal iNinwSB.w-rtrna wo..Tar. Ias UisiO.Ni oag ''ov aft-rb p. t e of BeFatB.B Woeroi It was. a . de'd ,1 r- I a-Vr poo y or a -I-. aa eatl led toi a-J "slv e-o-sAga-n, rery tisSOLsjai-eiCABl TI E. TH, h.e. ateft Prof O J w -' '. a. . ii. woo-1 rrsi f eta "b.r- , Lm mnt.-T,-.toft thelop. mm s -sHiaR -tr-iiv thave no doatt ptj. WOOD a CO . ""or-' ,Rvtlng B leJilet '- Last . ..oeji d by all t"p-d -retttar .B O Ati ti Li fA. V JZ. sint,UU th trX fa. amISLLAM) B ITTf -dFa., yrttnt.Dit 0 tiES.pL8,Til CB! sr . taa '--- , - wwtsl fa TP ftXJlbieW-sTsJG N S,, adaptedss tab he' i- -- aeMa. art jJkmi - - ' rp.ILI fala a 'sFA aatlsW-r i mvw.rraltit?lsiV 4tP THE fclDEt A Lbobabjo. Eao. -DlKEsWT " a ttrer. altacks or FeeerivfaTB COWL!NLIVEK Ce 'ivn.e. -vTjs t V"VWF te I It hat proved a prompt and permanent care, aa I. . asstaaBevvTbelorgoBetoioMwitbPrUCD a Bl ACeUt mpialnt, and can recommend the S A. Fsrar snd-a J b' jeBeeaedyaa traiuahto one for the efiecs-ai cureeir,rCTl.WX' ACtdlty of tb- J4i, ROBT F P1LPIT.5,rp."a- Sesrt U APP-tlt' rw TaBE, Itoc I. ISSS. Cr WW1 trad W.lw-sU.,.IIW B'ind "Tirl ti-aT tt has In folk, wing Certificatea of Pre.l'k L HerOe aams-eaiaiic and Neuegic aw c tmm n Meier are among those peculiar cases la which atmmtmmm presre M T " ssaeat car caa be efPrcted. aotwilhttanding their7hi. M a patatT 1 '"'It.'tsts'srooine5.'''' nWtre werperfea;ied. . bey'w-re -ngaged IB the Chem1T Mrtotitlftr wlBeipe-t 1 of Ms Bawrkt of Masars Cbaa Pfteer fc Co , of this,- Prof ; tZZ, . mtro. fur kavewas bee- troubled with Pever aod Ague Barib atsi of the BUr.yaate mmTlJ . wh,., ,,,, ,wmlliw rt. ot fjeinta. sattswrfasadltai.--w-. ' . , ,,ntsnce or rri.e rec..n m ncled rire to try a birttleofBETTESI TBRJtnI.,,r oar rsnaee. w.,0 grt;M, mlghtv ceootry ."JZr.cmn pubttcI aew osser - - .u theecoaetltatvoBt mag ha. DruroJ' tch to likely enough, if they w,i; r.iiow my -xampes!IP of art' t spirit.-, sr FRB1VE L. HRRTLR,IZv tn. d nrt ; 1846 Brookljrs.' " 'b' T! J I aad, la fact, .r aaft the Feeer tni Ague for levers, weeks,-aism '"'"7 " Jen kept me at bom, easbst to work 1 triad a atrgs---;' 'Vkere -a peels to Sed thi- sf f precriptloo. without (adinf any relief. . n 11 myNOTICB - " H-k weak an iary bow tent me t bottle of the South American Pe-bt ot-app. sia-s. - .,.!. mtasaft - - -na 1 a an aad sews" t-ro-e1 Al TIO-V-CTo thi. it.fTte .-T-.s i-n - , .,,.'lueed maov aa t " --Ttuaded.l.di'.' B Drc.-g.-t I ' SB ripe bottle win ceivince Ti,.,ca, N T . and those received through htm. will b. M-m- ZSlW IS to SB tbSBS I ''"B Ld with much tnts-ett. not only from th- .err reapectfr ' TS S M at St bt not. ' chareetcr of tba parties, bat that tb. ewdielne -st' fJesr-Oetc' . -w1b- Tl" B"-a" on iTJV.eiriaPf-iltlSt - IO.tjTiLaprLM s" iStsnortif exp. rt need rng etera.ApplT adslrtas.BEftTD k B1REBECC.ssr-lft-Sm Pui loo Foundry, Jerary City E J..VEfER F.1DES:THE CLE A BEST AND MOST REAmtTL PICTURE ,ETEE MADS ISPROF. PARR'Srm T CAT. I? CAT V PV7 1lot V ' ft A " e ta 1 A J X AX -A-JWt other FICTTBB at good la the World.CALL AFTERStar Gaiter u'AND SEE THEM.a IA. C. HARarXis;a TT0RNET AT LAW. (late of Pocahaatat, Ark J bar's tax removed to and permanently local-1 ai si, will mead to the tof Claim at Poand Smlthivtlipa mmm, r3, esT-!'-, Icurort. Grand Glalst aad AaaMata Ja gsoo SBSf,my, Des Arc, Prairie a onty,' Si.tnvettlgau Land Title, aod set al., "-,, aTarr, FhlUer fc Co.. f oaia TenarZZn,?,.tjltmaW. ! AetssBft, jojwly'XrC JTwL -atrC.Three Great EightMAME1MD Bare long been eagafphed m oarkaroo, asregard the true m-su of securing h. a. th ridding. the hitman tasty frost druses aad preserving thro Ths aB aader 'he fasacWa treatment of the r- geltr faeciI ty. ar aahject lo a caa tinned tractate of srobahli'Ma sadaneertain'i--. There la aethlna owtala or Ix-dialEeat of the alck either m thr oid -r new school ofRadwvv l,as .to trataag Btiulnat.aonaav- i-t. maamuca aa m-y oaoe o-wwrP BI d In their sperial combloed fflcery in pllisatSBJfl atofaS aad Dsn. extol results bet . they ar facts --tabllahed a ertcaee o- they hare in all casta " whoarsrd" .aoaaoded as reatoriBg to B-alth and rlarlingtbatr"m da aae anar aH other al' ftatSs! treafaa. hod'"lied the aasat .killfal pbv-etSaa. had risen Bath'c sa aeyood .he wer of huproBoiiBred the drea'f il marHak-!' afietrie sswow.y a aemeoie, are 'hetefor. ax d facta Ba th eaTatuatths Depot, 1 rm " BsedJs-.i trience they have keen' oftea tried"as. t dwi'h Aeate " aerar denied " end are ready " to be -ned . gain "!. koBid try ! Flrsst Oroat Xsi.Iat.C ' '' 1 EADWtT'S BEADT RELIBFAt a Special Beoaery tt to be rased m an case, where the:m a kndy .a "ited wfh lh tortarmg reassra r per-ozyraas of pain ao mailer what th, causa of the BBST.avbe r.hereli may be hxmt d ao appltcatloa ofBafly aa an alseetator will la ataietr4 0 a4 oomfo.lew minute rretere thelathsaki, auras t .,i.n ", Broi-eg Cut.. MasaaBI KoEBS br 'hoktot or "inga of Brptl e. Insect, of T. r-cable or Mineral paaaor uag by aecideet oa all eaata aad aader ail eircum.unoto where the keaaaa aaateas to tort nred by pata,1 Bad way-. Beady Belief can be felled upon aa a qarck,In cat- of BUhsasae., Bllloao Fever. Typhaa Forer,Ship rteer. TeRaw F-eer, P-ver aad Agave, scarlet Sever,and alt Mallftwaat Ftrtrt bras. Pox, assise rti tapau. audway't Rear'y Relief um4 in muta-e with Rsdwav't Regulators, will peaiu.rr. car the :c, earnedwith theMdhaardert, aad protect th lyetem agalnetsud-waaa either of thrat!Soar:rxc-J Orcat Til grit.RADWAT'S RBSaC LATORSTb discovery af tb-s wonderfu! PI la establish newIn t.k ng these Pin no f ilpSnt sales er tiek-naaa at atowach to expe-ieac dw 'h- , ens-rat Batnral'.y,leaving the boeeett. Hear aad ether 01 gene in a naturalami healthy coedl'kaaThey thoa who taketkess a food appetite aad ahealth luetthaaEach PT1I that la taken greea new life to the blood ; theypur .fy it, take froat it all I.'a'OMortetftsaisfreraaewaMf,' 1prompt rure and regular periods IT Badwtt'l BeftVAktBrerv doa uf Radway't Regulators that I. -akeu inMito new ttreaath to th- weak, feeds, and infirm. Allwho take thews are delighted ink tbe happy ckance theyexper racetn a few heart. The duptritt-d sad melaaehely feel Jeesa- aad happy ; th alck aad diatlifstsd,strnnf aad vhrorouaThird O r o - t Xjicht.Apopiexy, sac ; and all constlta-dtesaseo, either raker-m the wor d that BB work neb"bceT-.hebsisst'haJ iaa bloralest ea badway'a Beaoireut,body r pes! note new taaftBl-edint from the lunga Radwa t. in lo a favs minutes -h-ck sTerooerhaee frr m thes, sa -- I P " SKTk Helacte. BeWacb andMraot, two j rkrr Birsioa ftBhrttoa., Neuralgia BInsaisilaM.. -sang .smpi-rasof D, JasBdloa,tdu-s'lon Caeativeneaa. Urer Complaint,tts aaaa teats Ladles t'oahted withr wtsssnlng dl charge., may reiy upon alied by nerediury 'rsntmia..Inoculated by expnoare orocherwkwCased Bra. ssl. ' tongs er throe! In case where the pel torn coaah- aplutuarsasaterj SwMliaftB, b od or pea ttreejted with h ood, Radway't RoBint aa, aoivvot will -o-n remove tbediSeilir, ... .:. - v- g-., evi ir 1 1 rat il atrsat. heatTrio Tliroc Groatm.uxTLT' Blfriaa us-,RADWsl s ftr.l I K r tv r. .l.ATi RJt RSSOLTRN1In af! ODn.tlrtl'tonai d teste ., tie! whee. the constitution uhrukta sVwa, er the body is a rapt 1 state of dncay. or the system Inoculated with thr Tier of dtoeeaa,ei ber by the vWatr of theUsra ef health, inlimgira nee. exaeas and irdaafa-ace of the paatioas, r by baledlur, traoratosion. a- m rateaof Scrofsie. Cen-nmptloa Rheoait iswa, ftVat, Pits and other heir Satest,whKh a long line of anceatry has ta boantlruilT aadrtch y bettowe. on petertty. ss a msnasswto ef tte pest,st the cost or the surr 'lag inheritors These,in their trlnltary capacity posses a ca-atlve p- wer th .a di eeae caa withstaad; their comb treed effect wta-radical, from th- irrtag body erery particle of diseasedj matter, renovate the whole ty.P m tut bealiki healj the aneonnd. ecaying longa or . tber organs ; claeassand aerify lh ancteea from all luperltlea.To tbe diaabled way-arer who u crippled with inlrsslMBft -wt inrtte yea "to try" three Bowsed lee We willI von. i (or tbele . fficacyWith many of other who bar wttrveaaed aafti felt thueavejt of the" rare Gr-ot UghU " and ae theyrale aad govern tho-e b -dies which they ar dtiad bpthe A'mtgbtv Power, ao the three RatnesfVa stand aa,j Rn era ftVanqneror. aa.! Grand Ma-iert -f all dls mi.RADWAT fc CO., 17 Puifna-at M. T.I Vf Th R B B Re-podft ar toed be Proas lata,M-rchants aad Stor-keepeis. Janll-dewlySouh American Fever tfc AgneFLemedy !Is a rkeap, ciafe aatl PeragaBeat CareMia Pill.) (.Mil Lbl OP TB a TAItlious and IntRIOCa r,RJ OFermiite'nt Fevers.K PER BOTTLE,so -trscaac or -Mercury,iy coxp nade bow rsouas.rera, I -r. the tyttem atth -n the dlseaee; bull isPrevenuv aad BettorsSi ta ail aaaa aad co-urjl.j1 "a aae, w!oea .ej catLEONABD. neew Fork, sal tbatola aad Certiftcate. ot rare per! gratuitoasly, at sli the p.acasoldijtre laethe B-vKMof laaa tc the ralua-prop rti s olIttiLaaa nr. In transMat KB to a cureand Agne Reraise of Ins ustry.m the chilli aadhtllXing to you t- - puis hy ts uJ-, ap a one ofa SB . ,, e,r tartar 'he pes' five month , waa -n Nov tn her lastarte I and tb paroxysm, wars as sever as any 1-Tknrw; almost instant re'tef waa experleaotd onm. el its rUi-Bi "o'tfinB the first t ooe : ..u the expected day of rstarn. itlU, so a sJmlni. tared, and It had the happy effect of inter-S ftSKSSB- Bx-9eustor Vtlnf the poroxvsmi Strroe Ben every rrellft of tbo- ..-ease haa Lett him. aad he La - recovered , to lirgsafaale"-"- 'Ppearaoce and health. Traiy youia, fce.,hTi - njIW YoUM j,s , ,gas1 j aj. PBA1dsosTe, lb underiign. d bare used tb B. A Bsaii sty farm Agam IntenaittiBB Feeers. aad ItI ravafte a perfect cure ef tm rsel e . aad famine., aalh a, oca ahaaaar rrta-sagoead it to tb puSMc aa a agftajitils tu-sp m-uiciue'SI B11RT CONEI.IN, WM JliftftSON,I t'Higi ES J GALE, WM BBNNBTT.Ag.1l. I N T Sept Tf. ISSfs.Ill J G Crdebhill. Drugget, fcc IXttw hr:ge aeed tkr South Am-n-an Bemedy. to highly recoaaI by jo, both fm sayaelf and wife, aad we her'a curd I heller- l t. rhe best medicine for thi ,. and r.v.r oat I I honed not bar sed It rf yaal warrant a care, but now I am -at., fled it u allrecommended it to 9. T .ura. --apec-runy.STKPHBN Ati a . E. T., Sept 57 lSSftJAW AICA. M. T , May IS. I sea.B A. LEO!tABI IVur Sir: Mr mother, aa aged. waa afiicted art h the chll-a and fs ver very bad .seter aad harrag beard you- medicine highly recordke was induced to trv i: ; ait-i taking -eat ssualf bottle, abe was perfectly cured, aad I cheft-fuX.I it ss a safe and s ire cureall,, yours, G N CODWTSh..ore certlflcttee might be id.M to .srell Ibe list. br.pTrnt. , p,cation . f them The i mever, are -ofBeieut eetdencet to esubllthis rvoiedy .. wi-.heat aa equal for thei of tb Feser end Ago.Pear Srr - Hi. ingaaft Ague, I had nearly deiredof orsdmg taywhdt laboring uall i, oihar thaaa temporary ote.Kc try your remedy and, an Ike other reiced!e-i I hadsunt la called in- soma Ante near rever aao Ago. tm-kl aad sure sao-gh i' worked like a charm. I took Itnut sate day tna that was toe um i taw of tae rover.s with great picture that 1 state thto ftct for 'heperfft of al! whom It may cones en and wish everybodyt. (cUnJ ,;,; rnlliely cured 1 hae had no attack,3'teoc. IB thu ralaebit medicine, to which I owe mydk.rery HE NET MEIER,liept SB ISSS. (ft ErUllhs,.st. , WinUBwburgh.rloB,,.,,,, Mr t n pnde.aoj, D,nrn - .ll find rn- cr-.ifr-a'-t of 'he good effects cf roor rced-lace It glWS t to race ion io every otss11 ..s II....I.. will innssss ss It bssurr.aiItaketh. fe.ftwa.iail.tF to Mr.isrepa H. nderaon of the, place, sent a bottle la bLlwife's lister with 'ike good retulti aa when aaaft Efimaeir and wife Mr B la an old maa. a very respsa-isbir citizen of thi - place, aad U well ITruly voun. Be , JAB. S.J am aica. N. T . Seat. SB. issoMr A P Star ing. of this city haa esassBfed to tba1 rmblentsoa of the foltowhaf recta, over kl. tig 1111naoeruUg a core perfeV.-d hy the na .1 nuwntCB facts are .otsnessw ey ssw ssv. i..who waa aeejuali'ted with tb cireasaetaa.MM G A LlOilO-er JO -u. icn -,a.sI beard f spoor tat -mn.Umstreet, who wa aaftrln feoaj a teee e atta-kaf Mb, aad ftrear. raairant ta tot iew iiv,, " j1 M.J I gar him aaa kettle of veer See AMBrrKaaFeree aad Arm Remedy, and n aflhrdu ass pUesare tasay that the disease haa beea broken op by it aaa. aadi pe-manent car effceted Truly you re.Szv Tore. Nor. ft. i-ftft. A F STR7AL1BOI tm accuaioied with the facta est forth in tha eboeacer-iactu aad can wMatss Is the '.rat of th slat,menu therein ooattined L. M PRASE,Rapt Pta Potass Mows ef Indaauy.A susply sf lb aho MtaErtne oa hand aad for tele brWARD fc JOBBS,Wb Jes.H- Agents '.., U ai-bi.rordaac. Oakum SrcSMITH. COOPBR fc CO , IBS Fr -bi Street. Bew Tork,aad'oolaa Street New OrUoi a. attlttaer al Cartfaas, Oakass, fcc. tafhr for -at a lSam wXcktfarylft-ftmof Cord ago, oakum, ac, oner ror sei. ;na 2b1af7f3a8